Hastings District Youth Council

Civic Administration Building

Lyndon Road East, Hastings 4156

Phone:  (06) 871 5000

Fax:  (06) 871 5100











(This meeting was Partly Informal due to lack of a quorum)





Hastings District Youth Council




Meeting Date:

Wednesday, 27 September 2017


CG-14-33-00045                                                                         1

Minutes of a Partly Informal Meeting of the Hastings District Youth Council held on Wednesday, 27 September 2017 at 3.45pm


Table of Contents


Item                                                                                    Page No.


1.         Apologies  1

2.         Confirmation of Minutes  1

3.         Facebook Page Updates  2

4.         General Business (Verbal) 2

5.         Youth Council Update  2

6.         Youth Council Annual Plan   2

4.         General Business (Verbal) Continued   3



CG-14-33-00045                                                                         1




MINUTES OF A PARTLY INFORMAL MEETING OF THE Hastings District Youth Council HELD IN THE Council Chamber, Ground Floor,

Civic Administration Building, Lyndon Road East, Hastings

ON Wednesday, 27 September 2017 AT 3.45pm



Present:                          Chair: Grace Peia (HGHS)

Councillor Dixon

                                               Pelerose Vaima’a and Hanna Wrigley (HGHS); Eleanor Matich, Ella Hoogerbrug and Hamish Legarth (Havelock North); Dylan Bishop (St Johns); Antonia Richardson (Rudolf Steiner) and Samantha Anderson (Sacred Heart).


IN ATTENDANCE:             Team Leader Youth Development (Paddy Steffert)

                                               Youth Co-ordinator (Ryan Gardiner)

                                               Transportation Operations Engineer (Sarath Kuruwita)

                       Committee Secretary (Christine Hilton)




(Note: During the latter part of this meeting (under Item 4 “General Business (Verbal) Continued”) the quorum lapsed and no decisions could be made at that time).



1.         Apologies


Dylan Bishop/Eleanor Matich

That apologies for absence from Max Sharp (EIT); Rytasha Sekhon, (HGHS);  Bethany Cox and Liam Davies (Karamu High) be accepted.



Hamish Legarth advised that he would need to leave the meeting at 4.30pm.



2.         Confirmation of Minutes


Ella Hoogerbrug/Eleanor Matich

That the minutes of the Hastings Youth Council Meeting held Wednesday, 13 September 2017 be confirmed as a true and correct record and be adopted.










3.         Facebook Page Updates


Information to be posted on the Youth Council Facebook Page:

·      A photo of the attendees at today’s meeting and at the meeting on 13 September with a summary of the issues addressed at those meetings.

·      Information about the Colour Run held on Sunday, 10 September.

·      An abbreviated version of the 4 August 2017 Festival for the Future report from Liam Davies, that had been presented to the 16 August 2017 meeting.

·      A photo was to be taken and posted of the final meeting of the year (25 October) and all members were encouraged to be at that meeting.

·      A reminder about the upcoming by-election postal vote for Mayor and for a Hastings/Havelock North Ward Councillor.  This closes on 24 November.

·      References in any Youth Council Facebook posts to candidates standing for election should refer to all candidates so posts are “fair and equitable”.

·      Eleanor Matich would post details of the application opening and closing dates for all university halls of residence and for scholarships.

·      All posts should first be “run-past” the others via the group chat forum.



4.         General Business (Verbal)


This item would be addressed later in the meeting when the Transportation Operations Engineer, Sarath Kuruwita, would address the meeting on Skateboarding issues in Cooper Street, Havelock North. 




Youth Council Update


(Document 17/957)


Discussion on this item will be included under Item 6.



Hanna Wrigley/Antonia Richardson

That the report of the Youth Co-ordinator titled “Youth Council Update” dated 27 September 2017 be received.





Youth Council Annual Plan


(Document 17/958)


Youth Speaker Series – involving Karl Wairama


This was being held on Monday, 9 October at the Opera Kitchen at 7.30pm.  All Youth Council members were invited to attend and help out.  Eleanor Matich and Antonia Richardson had written their speeches.  All the information would be included on the group page.


Youth Engagement


The information was all ready to be sent out and rather than simply sending an email, the Youth Co-ordinator, Ryan Gardiner, was planning to approach the schools directly and combine this with addressing some other issues that his team was currently working on.


Youth Potential Awards – on Wednesday, 11 October 2017.  Ryan Gardiner advised that the Council’s Communications Team was working on a brochure/flyer to promote this and it was all ready to go.  Ryan would forward this out to all members tomorrow.  Nominations were being sought.  This was a great opportunity to acknowledge the achievements of individuals or groups who have tried their best.  The Youth Council was being asked to help out – including introducing the guest speakers.



Hamish Legarth/Pelerose Vaima'a

That the report of the Youth Co-ordinator titled “Youth Council Annual Plan” dated 27 September 2017 be received.





General business (VERBAL) continued



Skateboarding issues in Cooper Street, Havelock North


The Transportation Operations Engineer, Sarath Kuruwita, joined the meeting at 4.10pm and spoke about Skateboarding issues in Cooper Street, Havelock North.  Sets of two pages were circulated at the meeting - comprising an A4 sheet detailing the issues and a colour A3 sheet showing an aerial map of this area, marked up with the three suggested alternate routes/options as detailed in the issues sheets - (CG-14-33-00044).


The Youth Council extensively discussed the situation and the options, noting there could be difficulties in monitoring the use of the three alternate routes/options shown on the A3 sheet.  Mr Kuruwita advised that Council Officers would like to conduct a survey (to be prepared by the Council’s Communications team) and obtain some feedback.  Another option was to use Facebook to get this issue out to the wider skateboarding community.


Antonia Richardson left the meeting at 4.18pm.


Hamish Legarth left the meeting at 4.30pm, as had earlier been indicated.  At this point the quorum lapsed as only 8 members remained at the meeting.


Further discussion took place.  Ella Hoogerbrug offered to share the survey on the Havelock North High School Facebook page.  But this would need to be done before the end of this week in order to get feedback before the holidays.  Eleanor Matich would take the survey to the skatepark and to the Cooper Street area.  Ryan Gardiner would liaise with her and assist with this survey.


Youth Grants


Ryan Gardiner asked for names of Youth Council members who were keen to be part of the Youth Grants project team – Hanna Wrigley, Grace Peia, Pelerose Vaima’a, Eleanor Matich, and Samantha Anderson agreed to form the Youth Grant Working Group.


Ryan Gardiner would check the available budget (approximately $3,000).  The Team Leader Youth Development, Paddy Steffert, would provide information as to how last year’s youth grants process was put together.


Monies to assist with Youth Speaker Series – (Karl Wairama)


This speaker series had been addressed earlier in the meeting under Item 6.  But Ryan Gardiner now advised that Karl Wairama had told him of some unexpected costs of $500.  Karl had asked if the Youth Council would be able to assist towards covering this cost.


As the quorum for this meeting had lapsed, no decisions could be made.  Ryan would email all members and ask for their responses (via group chat email) as to whether they wanted to put some of the Youth Grants budget towards Karl’s costs.  At least 9 members would need to respond to his email, in order for an action to be taken, as that was the quorum for a Youth Council meeting.  The outcome would also be formally endorsed at the 25 October meeting.


25 October meeting – last meeting for the year.


All members were encouraged to attend the next Youth Council meeting on 25 October which would be the last meeting for this year and for this current Youth Council. A photo of those present would be taken and posted on the Youth Council’s Facebook page.


The 25 October meeting would be shortened to end at 4.15pm.  Acting Mayor Hazlehurst has been invited to attend the meeting and it will be followed by refreshments and an informal “Meet and Greet” with the Acting Mayor, Councillors and the Council’s Executive Management Team from 4.15pm onward.  This will provide a chance for Youth Council members to discuss the activities that they had been involved in during the year.






The meeting closed at 4.55pm








