COAT-ARM Hastings District Council


Civic Administration Building

Lyndon Road East, Hastings 4156

Phone:  (06) 871 5000

Fax:  (06) 871 5100













Hastings District Rural Community Board




Meeting Date:

Monday, 4 December 2017


CG-14-26-00045                                                                         1

Minutes of a Meeting of the Hastings District Rural Community Board held on

4 December 2017 at 2.00pm


Table of Contents


Item                                                                                    Page No.


1.         Apologies  1

2.         Conflicts of Interest 1

3.         Confirmation of Minutes  1

4.         Introduction of Tuki Tuki MP - Lawrence Yule  2

6.         Representation Review - Results of Consultation   2

7.         Rural Transportation Programme Update 4 December 2017  2

5.         Maraekakaho Community Plan   3

8.         2018 Long Term Plan - Update  4

9.         Report on Rural Meetings attended by Councillor Kerr  4

10.       Additional Business Items  4

11.       Extraordinary Business Items  5



CG-14-26-00045                                                                         1




MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE Hastings District Rural Community Board HELD IN THE Landmarks Room, Ground Floor, Civic Administration Building, Lyndon Road East, Hastings ON

 Monday, 4 December 2017 AT 2.00pm



Present:                          Mr P Kay (Chair)

Mr N Dawson, Mr M Lester, Mrs S Maxwell

Councillor Lyons


IN ATTENDANCE:             Chief Executive (Mr R McLeod)

                                               Group Manager: Asset Management (Mr C Thew)

                                               Chief Financial Officer (Mr B Allan) (from 3.20pm.)

                                               Executive Advisor/Manager: Office of the Chief Executive

Transportation Manager (Mr J Pannu)

Transportation Operations Manager (Mr A Jackson)

Transportation Advisor (Mr L Glock)

Social Development Co-ordinator (Mr J Dawson)

Strategy Manager (Mr L Verhoeven)

Democratic Support Manager (Mrs J Evans)

Committee Secretary (Mrs C Hunt)


AS REQUIRED:                   Mr Charlie Bogard and Richard Bawden, Maraekakaho Focus Group



1.         Apologies   


Councillor Lyons/Mrs Maxwell

That an apology for absence from Councillor Kerr be accepted.



2.         Conflicts of Interest

There were no declarations of conflicts of interest.


3.         Confirmation of Minutes


Mr Dawson/Councillor Lyons

That the minutes of the Hastings District Rural Community Board held Monday 11 September 2017, including minutes while the public were excluded, be confirmed as a true and correct record and be adopted.








Introduction of Tuki Tuki MP - Lawrence Yule

(Document 17/1277)



This item was withdrawn as Mr Yule was unable to attend due to unforeseen circumstances..

With the agreement of the meeting Item 6 was taken out of order.




Representation Review - Results of Consultation

(Document 17/1234)



The Democratic Support Manager, Mrs Evans displayed a powerpoint presentation (CG-05-16-17-8) and provided an overview on the Representation Review results of consultation and responded to questions.


Mr Lester/Mrs Maxwell

A)        That the report of the Democratic Support Manager titled Representation Review - Results of Consultation dated 4/12/2017 be received.

B)        That the results of the Representation Review consultation exercise be received.

With the reasons for this decision being that the objective of the decision will contribute to meeting the current and future needs of communities in a way that is most cost-effective for households and business by ensuring fair and effective representation arrangements.





Rural Transportation Programme Update 4 December 2017

(Document 17/1260)



The Transportation Operations Manager, Mr Jackson, and the Transportation Operations Advisory, Mr Glock, updated the Board on the rural transportation programmed project status and activities and responded to questions from the Rural Community Board. 


Copies of a number of photographs (CG-14-26-00046) of work completed throughout the District were also circulated.


A request had been received for the installation of a CCTV camera on an existing street light at the intersection of Waimarama and Maraetotara Road due to burglaries in the area.  The Board agreed that the cost of the $45.00 power charge be absorbed by Council.







At this point, Mr Kay on behalf of the Board acknowledged and thanked Mr Glock for his long service to Council and wished him well for his retirement.


Councillor Lyons/Mrs Maxwell

A)        That the report of the Transportation Operations Manager titled Rural Transportation Programme Update 4 December 2017 dated 4/12/2017 be received.





Maraekakaho Community Plan

(Document 171234)



The Social Development Co-ordinator, Mr Dawson advised that the Maraekakaho Community Plan would enable the Maraekakaho community to move forward to realise its collective aspirations and vision.  The key interest group objectives are:

·         Roading

·         Connecting the Maraekakaho Community

·         Community Facilities

·         River and Waterways

·         History and Heritage

·         Safety and Security

·         Health and Wellbeing

·         Emergency Preparedness


Mr Bogard and Mr Bawden from the Maraekakaho Focus Group were present and responded to questions from the Board.


The Board were impressed that the Group could get the whole community involved and support the Plan.  There was no fixed boundary for Maraekakaho but anyone who associated themselves with Maraekakaho are welcome to participate.


Mr Lester/Councillor Lyons

A)        That the report of the Social Development Co-ordinator title Maraekakaho Community Plan dated 4/12/2017 be received.

B)        That the Hastings District Rural Community Board recommends to Council that the Maraekakaho Community Plan 2017-2022, be endorsed, noting that the actions within the Plan requiring new Council funding will be requested through the appropriate Council processes and that other funding opportunities will be sourced where appropriate.

With the reasons for this decision being that the objective of the decision will contribute to meeting the current and future needs of communities for local public services in a way that is most cost-effective for households and business by:


i)          Working collaboratively with the Maraekakaho Community and its stakeholders to achieve real outcomes for the Maraekakaho Community and Council.




2018 Long Term Plan – Update

(Document 17/1159)



The Strategy Manager, Mr Verhoeven displayed a powerpoint presentation (CP-10-1-17-39)  and provided a brief overview on the development of the 2018 Long Term Plan and rural priorities within the plan.


Mrs Maxwell/Mr Lester

A)        That the report of the Strategy Manager titled 2018 Long Term Plan - Update dated 4/12/2017 be received.

B)        That Council officers incorporate the following feedback and direction from the Rural Community Board into the completion of the 2018 Long Term Plan:

            i)          That the bridges investment package now reflects the Board’s priorities and recent community consultation undertaken.

            ii)         That the Council considers the merits of harmonizing the district’s water targeted rate.


            iii)        That the Council considers the funding methodology for the Middle Road and Whirinaki cycling projects.


            iv)        That the ten year rate forecast fits within the 3-3.5% funding band   target set by the Council.






Report on Rural Meetings attended by Councillor Kerr

(Document 17/1257)



It was noted that approximately 200 people had attended the rural meetings and of note was how successful good collaboration could be in regard to the bridge process.



Mr Kay/Councillor Lyons

A)        That the report of the Group Manager: Asset Management titled Report on Rural Meetings attended by Councillor Kerr dated 4/12/2017 be received.



10.       Additional Business Items


            There were no additional business items.


11.       Extraordinary Business Items


            There were no extraordinary business items.



The meeting closed at 3.30pm






