COAT-ARM Hastings District Council


Civic Administration Building

Lyndon Road East, Hastings 4156

Phone:  (06) 871 5000

Fax:  (06) 871 5100













Hastings District Rural Community Board




Meeting Date:

Monday, 5 March 2018


CG-14-26-00052                                                                         1

Minutes of a Meeting of the Hastings District Rural Community Board held on

5 March 2018 at 2.00pm


Table of Contents


Item                                                                                    Page No.


1.         Apologies  1

2.         Conflicts of Interest 1

3.         Confirmation of Minutes  1

4.         Presentation: Meka Whaitiri, Under Secretary Agricultural Minister  2

5.         Presentation: Cambell Leckie, Hawke's Bay Regional Council 2

6.         Presentation: Trevor Mitchell, Emergency Management 3

7.         Representation Review 2018  3

8.         Hastings District Rural Community Board Report - Rural Transportation Programme Update  4

9.         Dog Control Fees  4

10.       Additional Business Items  5

11.       Extraordinary Business Items  5



CG-14-26-00052                                                                         1




MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE Hastings District Rural Community Board HELD IN THE Landmarks Room, Ground Floor, Civic Administration Building, Lyndon Road East, Hastings ON

 Monday, 5 March 2018 AT 2.10pm



Present:                          Mr P Kay (Chair)

Mr N Dawson and Mrs S Maxwell

Councillors Kerr and Lyons


IN ATTENDANCE:             Chief Executive (Mr R McLeod)

Group Manager: Asset Management (Mr C Thew)

Transportation Manager (Mr J Pannu)

Transportation Operations Manager (Mr A Jackson)

Transportation Engineer (Mr N Redkar)

Bridge Engineer (Ms A Ileperuma)

Community Safety Manager (Mr J Payne)

Democratic Support Manager (Mrs J Evans)

Committee Secretary (Mrs C Hunt)


AS REQUIRED:                   Cambell Leckie, Land Services Manager and Genevieve Bennett (Project Manager, Biodiversity) – Hawke’s Bay Regional Council



1.            Apologies   


Mr Kay/Mr Dawson

That an apology for absence from Mr Lester be accepted.



2.         Conflicts of Interest

There were no declarations of conflicts of interest.



3.         Confirmation of Minutes


Councillor Lyons/Mrs Maxwell

That the minutes of the Hastings District Rural Community Board held Monday 4 December 2017 be confirmed as a true and correct record and be adopted.




Presentation: Meka Whaitiri, Under Secretary Agricultural Minister

(Document 18/136)



An apology was noted from Meka Whaitiri and this presentation would be deferred to a future date.




Presentation: Cambell Leckie, Hawke's Bay Regional Council

(Document  18/137)



The Land Services Manager, Mr Leckie displayed a powerpoint presentation (CG-14-26-00054) providing a brief overview on working together for better biodiversity.  Birds and many more species and habitats were in serious trouble.  The Department of Conservation  recognised 2700 native species as being at risk of extinction, yet actively managed just 10 per cent of them.

Changes to the way pest management was being approached in Hawke’s Bay through the Proposed Regional Pest Management Plan 2018-2038. The Proposed Regional Pest Management Plan opened for public consultation from 2 February to 16 March 2018.

“Predator Free 2050 Conference” was held in Napier in November 2017 with the aim to rid New Zealand of three of its most damaging introduced predators; possums, rats and stoats by 2050.

Cape to City was a ground-breaking and collaborative ecological restoration project in Te Matau a Māui/Hawke’s Bay, along the eastern coast of New Zealand’s North Island, working to restore native species across 26,000 hectares of mainly primary productive farmland.  The project extended from Havelock North to Cape Kidnappers and encompassed Waimarama and forest remnants at Kahuranaki.

The vision was to bring back the coastal communities of land birds, sea birds, reptiles and invertebrates that once existed on the peninsula. The project began with the building of a 10.6km coast-to-coast predator-proof fence across the neck of the peninsula. The fence, completed in 2007, prevents predators reinvading the 2500 hectare headland.

The Pest Management Plan was hugely important to the region, delivering both economic benefit to farmers and advancing biodiversity goals.


Councillor Lyons/Mr Dawson

That the report of the Democratic Support Manager titled “Presentation: Campbell Leckie, Hawke’s Bay Regional Council”, dated 5 March 2018 be received.








Presentation: Trevor Mitchell, Emergency Management

(Document 18/138)



The Team Leader Emergency Management, Mr Mitchell spoke to the Board and advised that changes to the Fire and Emergency Act 2017 included the introduction of a test pilot for Local Advisory Committees for learning purposes.


There were three pilots with the first in Greater Auckland, then Mid-South Canterbury, and finally Hawkes Bay.  The pilot trial was for 3 months with 9 meetings.


The Pilot Local Advisory Committee in Hawke’s Bay had seven members being; Mr Mick Lester (Chair), Councillor Tania Kerr - HDC (Deputy Chair), Councillor Jeremy Harker (CHBDC), Leon Stallard, Liz Lambert (Safer Communities), Lisa Pohatu and Monique Heke.


The main purpose of the Local Advisory Committees was to allow the local communities to be involved in regard to risks and needs and whether Fire and Emergency were identifying those.


Following the Pilot, committees would be appointed by the Fire and Emergency Board.  It was important that the community be asked what the risks were as they did not relate only to fire and emergency any more.  It was proposed that there be 12-16 committees nationally.


Councillor Lyons/Mrs Maxwell

That the report of the Democratic Support Manager titled “Presentation: Trevor Mitchell, Emergency Management”, dated 5 March 2018 be received.





Representation Review 2018

(Document 18/165)



The Democratic Support Manager, Mrs Evans displayed a powerpoint presentation (CG-14-21-00053) providing an overview on the progress for the forthcoming representation review.


Following a pre-consultation exercise where the respondents had indicated satisfaction with current representation arrangements, on 14 December 2017 Council indicated that the representation review should broadly retain the existing ward  footprint, and overall Council numbers.  Some changes to the ward boundaries was necessary to ensure fair representation.


It was proposed to retain the Rural Community Board in representing the extensive rural areas of the District which had been very successful. At community consultation evenings held in 2017 there was strong support for the Rural Community Board.

It was proposed that the Rural Community Board be retained and the Poukawa boundary be amended in line with the boundary changes proposed to Kahuranaki and Hastings/Havelock North Ward.  This proposal would bring Poukawa into the fair representation rule of +/- 10%.


Councillor Kerr/Mrs Maxwell


A)        That the report of Democratic Support Manager titled Representation Review 2018 dated 5/03/2018 be received.


B)        That it be noted that feedback by the community at rural meetings held in 2017 was that they strongly supported the retention of the Hastings District Rural Community Board.


C)       That the boundaries of the Rural Community Board be aligned with the proposed meshblock boundary changes for Kahuranaki ward because the proposed boundary changes are logical and reflect the rural communities of interest.






Hastings District Rural Community Board Report - Rural Transportation Programme Update

(Document 16/36)



The Transportation Operations Manager, Mr Jackson updated the Board on the rural transportation programmed project status and activities and responded to questions from the Rural Community Board. 



The Transportation Engineer, Mr Redkar displayed a powerpoint presentation (TR-14-33-00054) providing a brief update on the Corridor Management Plan (Middle Road) and identified key transport problems.



The Bridge Engineer, Ms Ileperuma provided an update on traffic issues associated with bridge restrictions and detour plans, particularly in regard to Red Bridge, Brookfields Bridge and the Farndon Overhead Bridge.


Councillor Lyons/Mr Dawson

A)        That the report of the Transportation Operations Manager titled Hastings District Rural Community Board Report - Rural Transportation Programme Update dated 5/03/2018 be received.





Dog Control Fees

(Document 18/54)



The Community Safety Manager, Mr Payne spoke to the report on the proposed dog control fees formula used to calculate the fees to apply from 1 July 2018.

Council currently used a fee structure based on dog control requirements at 74% private and 26% public benefit.

Mr Payne advised that a different fee calculation formula resulting in lower rural dog registration fees would result in higher fees in other categories.  This may cause dissatisfaction and would also likely lead to more non-compliance.


Councillor Lyons/Councillor Kerr

A)        That the report of the Community Safety Manager titled Dog Control Fees dated 5/03/2018 be received.

B)        That the Hastings District Rural Community Board support the existing fee calculation model.

With the reasons for this decision being that the objective of the decision will contribute to the performance of regulatory functions in a way that is most cost-effective for households and business by:

i)          Ensuring that fees and charges reflect the costs of providing a dog control programme that is resourced at a level that meets compliance and enforcement obligations under the Dog Control Act 1996 and Councils Dog Control Bylaw.



10.       Additional Business Items

            There were no additional business items.


11.       Extraordinary Business Items

            There were no extraordinary business items.



The meeting closed at 4.35 pm






