COAT-ARM Hastings District Council


Civic Administration Building

Lyndon Road East, Hastings 4156

Phone:  (06) 871 5000

Fax:  (06) 871 5100

















Meeting Date:

Thursday, 28 June 2018


CG-14-1-00834                                                                         1

Minutes of a Meeting of the Council held on

28 June 2018 at 1.00pm


Table of Contents


Item                                                                         Page No.


1.       Prayer 1

2.       Apologies  1

3.       Seal Register 2

4.       Conflicts of Interest 2

5.       Confirmation of Minutes  2

6.       Hastings Girls High School - Femmina Capella  2

7.       Havelock North Booster Pump Station  2

8.       Response to Petition Seeking an Exemption from Chlorination at Haumoana and Te Awanga  3

9.       Tainui Track Development 4

10.     Review of Speed Limits Bylaw and Schedules  4

11.     Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazard Strategy Assessment Panel report and Stage 4 Scope  5

12.     Omarunui LFG Generation Limited Partnership 2017/18 Annual Report 5

13.     Asset Management Plans  5

14.     Adoption of 2018-28 Long Term Plan and Development Contributions Policy  6

15.     Flaxmere Park Reserve Management Plan Actions  6

16.     Hawke's Bay Airport Limited 2018/19 Statement of Intent 7

17.     Hawke's Bay Museums Trust 2018/19 Statement of Intent 7

18.     Local Government New Zealand 2018 Annual General Meeting - Remits  8

19.     Requests Received under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act (LGOIMA)  Monthly Update  8

20.     Additional Business Items  8

20A.   Position of Chief Executive - Appointment of Acting Chief Executive  9

20B.   Hearing of Submissions and Decision on Adoption of Priority Building Thoroughfares  9

21.     Extraordinary Business Items  10

22      Recommendation to Exclude the Public from Item 23  10



CG-14-1-00834                                                                         1





HELD IN THE Council Chamber, Ground Floor, Civic Administration Building, Lyndon Road East, Hastings ON

 Thursday, 28 June 2018 AT 1.00pm



Present:                       Mayor Hazlehurst (Chair)

Councillors Barber, Dixon, Harvey, Heaps, Kerr, Lawson, Lyons, Nixon, O’Keefe, Poulain, Redstone, Schollum, Travers and Watkins.


IN ATTENDANCE:           Acting Chief Executive (Mr N Taylor)

Group Manager: Asset Management (Mr C Thew)

Group Manager: Planning and Regulatory Services (Mr J O’Shaughnessy)

Acting Group Manager: Economic Growth and Organisation Improvement (Mr R Oosterkamp)

Group Manager: Human Resources (Mrs B Bayliss)

Chief Financial Officer (Mr B Allan)

Acting Group Manager: Community Facilities & Programmes (Ms P Murdoch)

3 Waters Manager (Mr B Chapman)

Transportation Manager (Mr J Pannu)

Acting Transportation Engineer (Mr G O’Connor)

Parks and Property Services Manager (Mr C Hosford)

Parks Planning and Development Manager (Mrs R Stuart)

Projects and Public Space Manager (Mr R Engelke)

Building Consents Projects Officer (Mr G van Veen)

General Counsel (Mr S Smith)

Democratic Support Manager (Mrs J Evans)

Committee Secretary (Mrs C Hunt)


AS REQUIRED:               Mr Chris Atkinson (Choral Director) and the Femmina Capella Choir, Hastings Girls’ High School Choir (Item 6)

                                       Ms Rebecca McKenzie, Property Group (Item 7)

                                       Members of the public were present in the gallery for Item 7

                                       Sue Franklin, Lead Petitioner (Item 8)


1.       Prayer

The opening prayer was given by Pastor Hugh Heenan from the Adventist  Church.


2.       Apologies   


Leave of Absence


Mayor Hazlehurst/Councillor Heaps

That leave of absence be granted for Councillor Watkins from 9 July to 19 July 2018.


3.       Seal Register


Mayor Hazlehurst/Councillor Kerr


That the seal register lie on the table.



4.       Conflicts of Interest

Councillor Lyons declared a conflict of interest in Item 17 – Hawke’s Bay Museums Trust 2018/19 Statement of Intent.


5.       Confirmation of Minutes


Councillor Kerr/Councillor Travers

That the minutes of the Council Meeting held Tuesday 5 June and reconvened on Wednesday, 6 June and Monday, 11 June 2018, including minutes while the public were excluded, be confirmed as a true and correct record and be adopted.




Hastings Girls High School - Femmina Capella

(Document 18/527)


The Femmina Capella Choir comprising 20 students from the Hastings Girls’ High School performed three songs, directed by Mr Chris Atkinson at the meeting. The choir won the top award at the Big Sing East Coast competition held in May 2018.



Councillor Travers/Councillor Redstone

A)      That the report of the Democratic Support Manager titled “Hastings Girls High School Femmina Capella” dated 28/06/2018 be received.




Havelock North Booster Pump Station

(Document 18/554) (HPRMCG-14-1-00848)



The 3 Waters Manager, Mr Chapman displayed a powerpoint presentation (PRJ17-73-01870) and provided an overview on the preferred site for establishing the Havelock North Pump Station.  The main points highlighted were the:

·       Pump station must be operational November 2019.

·       15 Karanema Drive was zoned industrial and required no consent.

·       25 Karanema Drive was residential and would require a resource consent.

·       People notified could appeal the substantive decision.

·       A judicial review on the decision could take 6-9 months.



Councillor Dixon/Councillor Watkins

A)      That the report of the Water Services Manager titled Havelock North Booster Pump Station dated 28/06/2018 be received.

B)      That Council determined the preferred pump station site as being 15 Karanema Drive, Havelock North.

With the reasons for this decision being that the objective of the decision will contribute to meeting the current and future needs of communities for good quality local infrastructure in a way that is most cost-effective for households and business by:

i)        The provision of high quality water services that are safe, and infrastructure that meets the need of the community and is cost effective. 


In accordance with Standing Orders 18.4(b) Councillor Dixon called for a Division.


Mayor Hazlehurst PUT the Motion


FOR: Mayor Hazlehurst, Councillors Barber, Dixon, Harvey, Heaps, Kerr, Lawson, Lyons, Nixon, O’Keefe and Watkins




Abstained Councillors Schollum, Redstone, Travers and Poulain  





Response to Petition Seeking an Exemption from Chlorination at Haumoana and Te Awanga

(Document 18/575)



The Lead Petitioner, Sue Franklin displayed a powerpoint slide (CG-14-1-00844) and spoke to the petition for an exemption from chlorination at Haumoana and Te Awanga.


Councillor Watkins/Councillor Nixon

A)      That the report of the Water Services Manager titled Response to Petition Seeking an Exemption from Chlorination at Haumoana and Te Awanga dated 28/06/2018 be received.

B)      That as part of its multi-barrier treatment approach, Council reaffirmed that chlorination of all Hastings District Council water supplies was both appropriate and necessary.

With the reasons for this decision being that the objective of the decision will contribute to meeting the current and future needs of communities for good quality local infrastructure that delivers a safe and high quality water services in a way that is most cost-effective for households and business by:

i)        Ensuring community water supplies are safe and wholesome and that effective and appropriate treatment is in place.


Councillors Heaps, Redstone and O’Keefe Recorded their votes AGAINST the Motion 



Tainui Track Development

(Document 18/260)


Councillor Dixon/Councillor Watkins

A)      That the report of the Projects and Public Space Manager titled Tainui Track Development dated 28/06/2018 be received.

B)      That Council adopt the option to upgrade the walking tracks in Tainui Reserve as per the Frame Group Report (CFM-17-49-1-18-125), Attachment 3 of the report in (A) above, over the proposed 8 year timeframe

With the reasons for this decision being that the objective of the decision will contribute to meeting the current and future needs of communities for good quality local and public infrastructure by:

i)        meeting the needs of our community by creating infrastructure that allows for best practice walking tracks in parks and reserves across the Hastings District.




Review of Speed Limits Bylaw and Schedules

(Document 18/4323)



Councillor Travers/Councillor Redstone

A)      That the report of the Acting Transportation Engineer titled Review of Speed Limits Bylaw and Schedules dated 28/06/2018 be received.

B)      That all submitters be responded to in accordance with the decisions made following the hearing submissions.

C)      That the Bylaw and Bylaw Plans (LEG-02-34-18-531) be adopted with effect from 1 August 2018.

D)      That, in terms of Section 82 (3) of the Local Government Act 2002, the principles set out in that section have been observed in such a manner that the Hastings District Council considers, in its discretion, is appropriate for the decisions made during the consideration of this matter.

With the reasons for this decision being that the objective of the decision will contribute to the performance of regulatory functions and good quality local infrastructure in a way that is most cost-effective for households and business) by:

·    Reviewing, consulting, considering, and setting the limits as per the Land Transport Rule : Setting of Speed Limits 2017 and Local Government Act 2002  by considering the cost effect on households and businesses and determining the safe and appropriate speed for roads or sections of roads.

·    Providing improvements to the safety performance of the road network in a way that is appropriate and credible.That all submitters be responded to in accordance with the decisions made following the hearing submissions.



Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazard Strategy Assessment Panel report and Stage 4 Scope

(Document 18/553)


Mayor Hazlehurst/Councillor Heaps

A)    That the report of the Principal Advisor: District Development titled Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazard Strategy Assessment Panel report and Stage 4 Scope dated 28/06/2018 be received.

B)    That Council endorse the Panel’s recommendations in principle for the purposes of further development substantially in accordance with the Draft Stage 4 Scope (STR-14-07-18-541) attached to the report in (A) above, and wider public consultation.

C)    That the Draft Stage 4 Scope (STR-14-07-18-541) attached to the report in (A) above be endorsed for consideration and approval by the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Strategy Hazards Joint Committee.

With the reason for this decision being that the objective of the decision will contribute to meeting the current and future needs of communities for good quality local infrastructure and regulatory functions for the management of coastal hazards in the study area in a way that is most cost-effective for households and business by considering a long term adaptive pathway approach for each of the coastal areas at risk from climate change and sea level rise over the next 100 years.




Omarunui LFG Generation Limited Partnership 2017/18 Annual Report

(Document 18/200)


Councillor Heaps/Councillor Travers

A)      That the report of the Chief Financial Officer titled Omarunui LFG Generation Limited Partnership 2017/18 Annual Report dated 28/06/2018 be received.

B)      That the Omarunui Landfill Gas Generation Limited Partnership March 2018 Annual Report (SW-6-18-39) be received.




Asset Management Plans

(Document 18/577)


Councillor Redstone/Councillor Watkins

A)      That the report of the Group Manager: Asset Management and Group Manager: Asset Management titled Asset Management Plans dated 28/06/2018 be received.

B)      That the Council 2018-28 Asset Management Plan summaries for Roading, Water Supply, Waste Water and Stormwater (CG-14-1-00829) be endorsed.

With the reasons for this decision being that the objective of the decision will contribute to meeting the current and future needs of communities for good quality local infrastructure in a way that is most cost-effective for households and business by:

i)        Acknowledging that the planning and understanding of Councils important infrastructure assets are good.




Adoption of 2018-28 Long Term Plan and Development Contributions Policy

(Document 18/552)


Councillor Dixon/Councillor Harvey

A)      That the report of the Strategy Manager titled Adoption of 2018-28 Long Term Plan and Development Contributions Policy dated 28/06/2018 be received.

B)      That the minutes of the Council meeting held on Tuesday 5 June, Wednesday 6 June and Monday 11 June 2018 (CG-14-1-00830)  be confirmed as a true and substantive record of the decisions made in respect of submissions to the Long Term Plan 2018/28 and Development Contributions Policy.

C)      That the Council delegate to the Chief Executive any inconsequential updates recommended from the audit process.

D)      That the Council Development Contributions Policy (CP-03-10-10-18-12) in accordance with section 102(1) of the Local Government Act 2002 be adopted.

E)       That the Audit Report (CP-10-1-18-107) be received and adopted for inclusion in the Long Term Plan 2018-28.

F)       That the 2018-28 Long Term Plan (CP-10-1-18-103) in accordance with section 93 (3) of the Local Government Act 2002 be adopted.




Flaxmere Park Reserve Management Plan Actions

(Document 18/520)



Councillor O'Keefe/Councillor Poulain

A)      That the report of the Parks Planning and Development Manager titled Flaxmere Park Reserve Management Plan Actions dated 28/06/2018 be received.

B)      That Council authorise Officers to redirect the $315,000 identified in the 2017/18 and 2018/19 budget for Flaxmere Park to enhance the existing playground and provide additional playground equipment.

With the reasons for this decision being that the objective of the decision will contribute to meeting the current and future needs of communities for good quality local infrastructure in a way that is most cost-effective for households and business by:

i)        The provision of high quality recreation facilities within our parks and open spaces.




Hawke's Bay Airport Limited 2018/19 Statement of Intent

(Document 18/544)



Councillor Kerr/Councillor Travers

A)      That the report of the Manager Strategic Finance titled Hawke's Bay Airport Limited 2018/19 Statement of Intent be received.

B)      That the 2018/19 Statement of Intent of Hawke’s Bay Airport Limited (EXT-10-9-2-18-93) be received.



Councillor Nixon recorded his vote AGAINST the Motion 


Councillor Lyons having previously declared a conflict of interest in Item 17 withdrew from the meeting table.



Hawke's Bay Museums Trust 2018/19 Statement of Intent

(Document 18/555)



Councillor Kerr/Councillor Dixon

A)  That the report of the Manager Strategic Finance titled Hawke's Bay Museums Trust 2018/19 Statement of Intent dated 28/06/2018 be received.

B)  That the 2018/19 Statement of Intent of the Hawke’s Bay Museums Trust Half Year (EXT-10-11-7-18-210) be received.

C)  That Council acknowledged that the Council’s budget allocation for 2018/19 and the Hawke’s Bay Museums Trust’s Statement of Intent revenue expectations were not in alignment, with Council budgeting for the lower historical requirements and that there was a review of the Hawke’s Bay Museums Trust operational arrangements underway.



Councillor Lyons rejoined the meeting table.










Local Government New Zealand 2018 Annual General Meeting – Remits

(Document 18/547)


Councillor Dixon/Councillor Nixon

A)      That the report of the Democratic Support Manager titled Local Government New Zealand 2018 Annual General Meeting - Remits dated 28/06/2018 be received.

B)      That the Council support the following remits:

·       HCV Rural Roads Policy

·       Heritage Buildings

·       Climate Change – Advocates to Banks

·       Climate Change – Adaptation Fund

·       Local Alcohol Policies

·       Biofuels

·       Walking the Talk – Single Use Plastics

·       A Mandatory Register of Cooling Towers

·       Copper in Brake Pads

·       Reducing the Waste Stream

·       Tyre Stewardship


C)      That the Council does not support the remit on “Drug Testing in the Community”.




Requests Received under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act (LGOIMA)  Monthly Update

(Document 18/556)


Councillor Kerr/Councillor Lyons

A)      That the report of the Democratic Support Manager titled Requests Received under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act (LGOIMA)  Monthly Update dated 28/06/2018 be received.

B)      That the LGOIMA requests received in May and June 2018 as set out in Attachment 1 (IRB-2-01-18-1299) of the report in (A) above be noted.



20.     Additional Business Items


Councillor Kerr/Councillor Lyons


That the reports titled “Hearing of Submissions and Decision on Adoption of Priority Building Thoroughfares; and Position of Chief Executive – Appointment of Acting Chief Executive be considered as Additional Business Items and included on the agenda.






Position of Chief Executive - Appointment of Acting Chief Executive

(Document 18/592)


Councillor Nixon/Councillor Watkins

A)      That the report of the General Counsel titled Position of Chief Executive - Appointment of Acting Chief Executive dated 28/06/2018 be received.

B)      That the Council welcomes Mr Neil Barry Taylor to the Council in the position of Acting Chief Executive, and confirms that:

(i)       That pursuant to Section 42 of the Local Government Act 2002 the Council appoints Neil Barry Taylor as Acting Chief Executive from 5.00pm on 21 June 2018 until 8.00am on the first day the new Chief Executive commences employment in that role;

(ii)      The “Acting” aspect of Mr Taylor’s role is due to its limited duration, and that in all other respects Mr Taylor is the Council’s Chief Executive; and

(iii)     During his time as Acting Chief Executive Mr Taylor has all of the powers and duties of the Chief Executive, including all delegations made by the Council to the Chief Executive (and any rights of sub-delegation that are attached to them).







(Document 18/408)


Councillor Lyons/Councillor Watkins

A)         That the report of the Building Consents Projects Officer titled “Hearing of Submissions and Decision on Adoption of Priority Building Thoroughfares dated 28/06/2018 be received.


B)         That officers forward replies to all submitters and thank them for their submission advising Council’s Decision on Adoption of Priority Building Thoroughfares.


C)         That Option 1 and the proposed thoroughfares identified in Table 2 (below) for the purpose of identifying potentially earthquake-prone priority buildings be adopted.






Table 2: Priority Thoroughfares


Proposed Thoroughfares for Prioritisation




Eastbourne Street

Charles Street

Hastings Street South

Hastings Street

Eastbourne Street East

Queen Street East

Heretaunga Street

Tomoana Road

Hastings Street

Karamu Road

Eastbourne Street East

Queen Street East

King Street

Eastbourne Street West

Queen Street West

Market Street

Eastbourne Street West

Queen Street West

Nelson Street

Eastbourne Street West

Queen Street West

Queen Street

Tomoana Road

Hastings Street North

Russell Street

Eastbourne Street East

Queen Street East

Southland Road

Eastbourne Street West

Heretaunga Street West

Warren Street

Eastbourne Street East

Queen Street East

Note: Buildings may be on either side of a street.


With the reasons for this decision being that the objective of the decision will contribute to the performance of regulatory functions, and the provision of good quality local infrastructure in a way that is most cost-effective for households and business by:

i)       Ensuring that earthquake-prone buildings which pose a high risk to life safety are remediated more promptly within timeframes and requirements of the Building Act 2004.



21.     Extraordinary Business Items

          There were no extraordinary business items.


The meeting adjourned for afternoon tea at 3.15pm

and reconvened at 3.30pm.





Recommendation to Exclude the Public from Item 23 




Mayor Hazlehurst/Councillor Lyons

THAT the public now be excluded from the following parts of the meeting, namely;

22.     Hastings Railway Station

The general subject of the matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this Resolution in relation to the matter and the specific grounds under Section 48 (1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this Resolution is as follows:










22a  Hastings Railway Station

Section 7 (2) (h)

The withholding of the information is necessary to enable the local authority to carry out, without prejudice or disadvantage, commercial activities.

Section 7 (2) (i)

The withholding of the information is necessary to enable the local authority to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations).

Commercial Sensitivity.

Section 48(1)(a)(i)

Where the Local Authority is named or specified in the First Schedule to this Act under Section 6 or 7 (except Section 7(2)(f)(i)) of this Act.




The meeting closed at 3.50pm






