COAT-ARM Hastings District Council


Civic Administration Building

Lyndon Road East, Hastings 4156

Phone:  (06) 871 5000

Fax:  (06) 871 5100













Rural Halls Subcommittee




Meeting Date:

Monday, 10 September 2018


CG-14-31-00007                                                                         1

Minutes of a Meeting of the Rural Halls Subcommittee

held on 10 September 2018 at 1.00pm


Table of Contents


Item                                                                                    Page No.


1.         Apologies  1

2.         Conflicts of Interest 1

3.         Confirmation of Minutes  1

4.         Rural Halls Maintenance - 2018/2019 Funding Round   1

5.         Additional Business Items  4

6.         Extraordinary Business Items  4



CG-14-31-00007                                                                         1




MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE Rural Halls Subcommittee

HELD IN THE Landmarks Room, Ground Floor, Civic Administration Building, Lyndon Road East, Hastings ON

 Monday, 10 September 2018 AT 1.00pm



Present:                          Chair: Mr Kay

                                               Councillors Heaps, Lyons, Kerr and Redstone

Mr N Dawson, Mr M Lester and Mrs Maxwell


IN ATTENDANCE:             Acting Chief Executive (Mr N Taylor)

Group Manager: Asset Management (Mr C Thew)

Community Grants and Project Advisor (Ms V Berkahn)

Group Manager: Community Facilities and Programmes (Mrs A Banks)

Property Assets and Project Officer (Mr J Jiang)

Parks and Property Services Manager (Mr C Hosford)

Democratic Support Manager (Mrs J Evans)



1.         Apologies   

            There were no apologies for absence.


2.         Conflicts of Interest

There were no declarations of conflicts of interest.


3.         Confirmation of Minutes


Mr Kay/Councillor Heaps

That the minutes of the Rural Halls Subcommittee Meeting held Monday 4 December 2017 be confirmed as a true and correct record and be adopted.




Rural Halls Maintenance - 2018/2019 Funding Round

(Document 18/588)



The Community Grants and Project Advisor, Ms V Berkahn, introduced her agenda report and responded to questions from the Rural Halls Subcommittee. She pointed out that the Property Assets Team assess the maintenance projects for which grants have been applied for, as well as undertaking regular inspections of the condition of rural halls.  A contribution from the Rural Halls Maintenance reserve funds would be required as a contribution to the cost of these inspections. Six inspections had been undertaken this year at a total cost of $3000.


Mr Hosford, Parks and Property Services Manager undertook to report back to the subcommittee on an audit of the general condition and maintenance required  for all the rural halls so that the Maintenance Reserve fund could assist in the allocation of funding according to priority need rather than a first come, first served basis. The ways in which halls were now being used; health and safety, liquor licensing conditions etc. all had a much greater impact on the requirement for rural halls to be maintained properly.


A proper audit was required by the Property Assets Team to ensure that rural halls were fit for purpose. Once the audit had been undertaken, priorities could be assessed for a rolling review of maintenance upgrades and the Council could work in partnership with management committees on the maintenance and upkeep of rural halls. It was also stressed that inspections should be undertaken as matter of course, once maintenance work had been completed. It was also noted that the Council should be informed on the level of building insurance cover for each rural hall requesting grant funding.


With regard to the $30,000 pa Earthquake fund, it was considered that a strategic approach was required to enable the Council to allocate limited funding for earthquake strengthening in rural halls in a fair and equitable manner. It was important to ensure that all rural halls had equal access to the fund which should be allocated on priority need, and capped at a maximum figure to provide all rural halls with a share of available funding over the next 10 years. 


The maintenance requests total $15,779, and the earthquake assessment requests amount to $20,500.  The respective budgets were $20,000 per annum for maintenance projects and $30,000 for earthquake assessment/strengthening costs. Any unspent funds would roll over to the following year.


It was noted that the maximum grant was 50% of the cost of the work.


Te Awanga Hall funding request of $4,397.00 for the repair of leaking roof to Meeting Room, including repair of water damaged ceiling and walls. (Priority 3). It was noted that the total grant comprised 50% of the physical works at a cost of up to $3,824 and a contingency of up to $574 towards consenting costs, if applicable.


Farndon Park Domain funding request of $3,361 for alterations to the building interior layout and refinish interior. (Priority 5)


Twyford & Raupare Recreation Centre Trust            funding request of $6,288.00 to install a fire alarm and monitoring system. (Priority 1)


Patoka Hall funding request of $1,733.00 to fit a heat pump to improve comfort levels for school use. (Priority 4)


Pakowhai Hall funding request of $10,000.00 for an earthquake strengthening assessment. (Priority 2)  It was noted that the application did not include a quote as required by the policy. The submission of a quote was required for the earthquake assessment in order for the application to be considered in this year’s funding round.  


Maraekakaho Church Hall Trust Board funding request of $20,500.00 for an earthquake strengthening assessment. (Priority 2) It was noted that Maraekakaho Church Hall had not yet uplifted a grant of $12,938 granted in 2017 for painting of roof and hall exterior. In accordance with the policy, if this grant was not uplifted by 4 December 2018, the Maraekakaho Church Hall would need to reapply in 2019.




It was noted that a quote for a preliminary seismic assessment had been received, together with an estimate of the remedial work required. Until the seismic  assessment had been undertaken, the quantum of the remedial work (if any), was not yet known.



Councillor Kerr/Mrs Maxwell

A)       That the report of the Community Grants & Projects Advisor titled Rural Halls Maintenance - 2018/2019 Funding Round dated 10/09/2018 be received.


B)       That all the building inspections for rural halls at a cost of up to $500 per hall be met from the Rural Halls Maintenance Reserve Fund.


C)       That the Parks and Property Services Manager be requested to undertake an  audit of all rural halls and report back to the next meeting of the Subcommittee with a plan for the Rural Community Board to  assess priorities and expectations for rural hall partners to ensure that rural halls are fit for purpose.


D)       That the application for Pakowhai Hall Earthquake strengthening assessment lay on the table pending the submission of a quote to undertake the assessment.


E)       That the following grants be allocated from the 2018/2019 Rural Halls Maintenance fund:





Te Awanga

Roof repair to meeting room

Contingency for consenting (if necessary)




Farndon Park

Alterations to the building interior layout and refinish interior.


Twyford & Raupare

Install fire alarm and monitoring system.



Fit heat pump to improve comfort levels for school use.


Total Maintenance Grants:

2018/2019 budget $20,000



Earthquake strengthening assessment.


Total earthquake assessment/ strengthening grants:

2018/2019 budget $30,000


Total Grants 2018

Total budget 2018/2019 $50,000









5.         Additional Business Items

            There were no additional business items.


6.         Extraordinary Business Items

            There were no extraordinary business items.




The meeting closed at 2.10pm






