COAT-ARM Hastings District Council


Civic Administration Building

Lyndon Road East, Hastings 4156

Phone:  (06) 871 5000

Fax:  (06) 871 5100













Hastings District Rural Community Board




Meeting Date:

Monday, 27 May 2019


CG-14-26-00100                                                                                 1

Minutes of a Meeting of the Hastings District Rural Community Board

held on 27 May 2019 at 2.00pm


Table of Contents


Item                                                                                Page No.


1.        Apologies  1

2.        Conflicts of Interest 1

3.        Confirmation of Minutes  1

4.        Annual Plan Submissions 2019/20  2

5.        Te Pohue Community Water Supply Request 6

6.        Rural Transportation Activities Report 6

7.        Additional Business Items  7

8.        Extraordinary Business Items  7

9         Recommendation to Exclude the Public from Item 10  7



CG-14-26-00100                                                                                 1






MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE Hastings District Rural Community Board HELD IN THE Landmarks Room, Ground Floor, Civic Administration Building, Lyndon Road East, Hastings ON

 Monday, 27 May 2019 AT 2.00pm



Present:                        Mrs S Maxwell (Chair)

Mr N Dawson

Councillors Kerr and Lyons


IN ATTENDANCE:           Group Manager: Asset Management (Mr C Thew)

Strategy Manager (Mr L Verhoeven)

Transportation Operations Manager (Mr A Jackson)

Strategic Transport Engineer (Mr E Phillips)

Committee Secretary (Mrs C Hunt)


AS REQUIRED:                Submitters Speaking:

                                          Tony Lane and Luke Shadbolt (16)

                                          Kiri Goodspeed (18 and 20)

                                          Vicki Butterworth, Hawke’s Bay Regional Council (22)

                                          John Roil (30)



1.        Apologies


Councillor Lyons/Councillor Kerr

That apologies for absence from  Mrs Wilson and Mr Lester be accepted.



2.        Conflicts of Interest

There were no declarations of conflicts of interest.



3.        Confirmation of Minutes


Councillor Lyons/Mr Dawson

That the minutes of the Hastings District Rural Community Board held Monday 4 March 2019, including minutes while the public were excluded, be confirmed as a true and correct record and be adopted.






Annual Plan Submissions 2019/20

(Document 19/440)



The Strategy Manager, Mr Verhoeven advised that the purpose of the report was to inform the Rural Community Board about submissions received to the 2019-2020 Annual Plan pertaining to rural issues, and to obtain feedback from the Board for the Council meeting dated 4 June 2018.  Officer comments on the submissions had been included in the Agenda report.






Submission No. 16  - Tony Lane and Luke Shadbolt spoke to their submission requesting funding to carry out essential maintenance work on the hall including electrical work, hot water supply, chairs, kitchen floor, ovens, fridge, dishwasher and kitchen benches.


Mr Lane circulated a revised list of hall maintenance issues (CG-14-26-00113) and advised that the Hall Committee would take a long term view of maintenance and seek external funding sponsorship, fundraising with community and partnership with Council.


Mr Shadbolt advised that the Hall Committee required confirmation of ownership of the hall as it was a community asset but Council owned the land.  The Eastern and Central Community Trust required confirmation of who was responsible for the Hall as funding would not be provided if it was Council owned and operated.


It was noted that the correct legal name for the Hall was Waimarama/Maraetotara Memorial Hall.  Officers would check earthquake status of the building and advise the Hall Committee.


The Hastings District Rural Community Board supported the officer’s comments that the request for multiple actions totalling approximately $100,000 with local community support totalling approximately $15,000.  These works may be able to be reasonably carried out over three to four years.  


The Hastings District Rural Community Board supported earmarking of $10,000 from the existing Parks New Works Budget to assist the hall committee in undertaking priority 1 tasks in 2019/20, as part of an overall staged funding plan because acknowledge it was for critical safety. 



Submission Nos. 18 and 20 – Kiri Goodspeed spoke to her submissions regarding the:

·       Development of a Community Plan for Te Pohue, Te Harato and Tarawera within the Mohaka Ward; and

·       Indiscriminate littering, freedom camping at the Waimarama Reserve and visitors “fence hopping” to dump rubbish on the Waipuka2E Māori Reservation; and


The Hastings District Rural Community Board supported the installation of a double litter bin which allowed for general litter and recyclables, with the initial cost to supply and install the double bin being funded from the Waimarama Reserves Management Plan LTP allocation.


The annual cost of servicing the bins was $950.00 per annum and funding be allocated in the maintenance budgets for the 19/20 Annual Plan and in subsequent years. 


The Hastings District Rural Community Board supported the development of a Te Pohue Community Plan, which could be accommodated within the budget and work plan for 2019/20.



Submission No. 22 – Vicki Butterworth on behalf of Hawke’s Bay Trails displayed a powerpoint presentation (CG-14-26-00110) outlining a proposal and funding request for $100,000 toward the Bayview to Whirinaki Cycleway extension of Hawke’s Bay Trails, as approved by New Zealand Cycle Trail.  This was for a 7.5km shared coastal trail, including a dedicated swing bridge for cycling and walking.  


The Hastings District Rural Community Board supported officers comments  that this would be a popular addition to the Hawke’s Bay trails and complete an iconic off-road route from Whirinaki all the way to Clifton, connecting communities as it does so.  It would also link a major employer and a large recreational facility with the urban areas of Hawke’s Bay.

The project utilised a mix of local roadsides, state highway, railway land and beachfront. It spanned both Napier and Hastings and would create a new walking and cycling bridge between the two.  50% of funding had been approved by MBIE with roughly 10% being requested from each of the three councils and 20% from Pan Pac.  The project would not be currently funded in the Long Term Plan.



Submission No. 30 – John Roil spoke to his submission and questioned the use of consultants and post evaluation of work.  Handling of consents was set by local authorities and with compliance and inefficiencies it created additional costs to the applicant.  Mr Roil felt that there appeared to be no encouragement to increase the level of service and with the lack of post evaluation reporting the same inefficiencies continued to occur.


Mr Roil recommended that the Hastings District Council set up a process where a Post Evaluation Report (PER) was required on all projects undertaken through the Resource Management Act process and that the report should be chaired by an independent person, who was recognised to be impartial with the aim to improve the service based on Better Practice rather Best Practice that may be influenced by Risk Aversion, rather than risk management .


Mr Roil advised that the department needed to have enough authority to facilitate any changes required to improve the service provided. He hoped that Council saw this as an opportunity rather than a Risk to their authority.


The Hastings District Rural Community Board supported officer comments and endorsed continuous improvements; and that Council management does support its staff to make the appropriate judgements on both building consents and resource consent applications. 



This concluded the verbal presentations.


The meeting adjourned for afternoon tea at 3.10pm

and reconvened at 3.30pm.




The following written submissions were then addressed.


Written Submission No. 25 - Dan Bergoff-Howes Esk River Care Group submitted a request to assist in forming a Trust for the Esk River Care Group to hold monies and to create the legal structure to enter a long term agreement with the Department of Conservation to replant and manage a strip of land along the Esk River.

The Hastings District Rural Community Board supported the officers comments and suggested an allocation of $10,000 seed funding be considered by Council.  This could be used to set up their trust structure, undertake survey work in partnership with adjoining land owners or to initially undertake an approved planting plan on Council or public reserves.

The Board suggested that after the trieniuum elections a subcommittee of Councillors be formed  to understand what was being done in the biodiversity space.



Written Submission No. 27 – Jim Galloway on behalf of the Federated Farmers submitted the following points:

·       Federated Farmers opposes the dropping of the Uniform Annual General Charge from 24% down to 23%.

·       That "equal benefit" activities are shifted off the general rate and onto the UAGC, like building administration.

·       That $11.22 is added to the UAGC to fully fund the administration buildings  activity.

·       That the General Rate for Rating Area 2 primary production properties remains at 0.2835 cents per land value dollar, and does not increase to 0.2951 as proposed.

·       Federated Farmers supports the sophisticated General Rate system of differentials by Rating Area and by land use.

·       That the General Rate is not used when there is no link between land value and the service provided.


The Hastings District Rural Community Board supported the officer’s comments that a review of the analysis that underpins the current system be undertaken and reported back to the Council’s Rating Review Working Party.  The appropriate level of uniform charging moving forward could then be considered in that context.





Mr Dawson/Mrs Maxwell

A)       That the report of the Strategy Manager titled “Annual Plan Submissions 2019/20” dated 27/05/2019 be received.

B)       That the officer comments included in the Agenda Report of (A) above on the submissions be received and endorsed.


C)       That the following recommendations be forwarded to Council:


·       Submission No 16 – Tony Lane That the Hastings District Rural Community Board supports the funding strategy outlined by officers for the Waimarama Hall. 


·       Submission 18 – Kiri Goodspeed Waipuka 2E That the Hastings District Rural Community Board supports the installation of a double litter bin in Waimarama as outlined by officers. 


·       Submission 20 – Kiri Goodspeed - That the Hastings District Rural Community Board support the development of a Te Pohue (wider corridor) Community Plan.


·       Submission 25 – Dan Bergoff-Howes - Esk River Care Group

a)      That the Hastings District Rural Community Board supports the allocation of seed funding to the Esk River Care Group.


b)     That the Hastings District Rural Community Board recommend to Council that following the 2019 triennium elections a subcommittee of Councillors be created to bring together  Council effort in the biodiversity area.


·       Submission 27 – Jim Galloway - Rating System That the Hastings District Rural Community Board support the ongoing review of the rating system by the Rating Review Working Party. 


·       Submission 30 – John Roil) Consultants/Post RMA Work Evaluation That Hastings District Rural Community Board endorses continuous improvement.


D)       That the following seven submissions on rural matters be received:

Tony Lane (16)

Dan Bergoff-Howes (25)

Keri Goodspeed (18 and 20)

Jim Galloway (27)

Vicki Butterworth (22)

John Roil (30)



E)       That the Hastings District Rural Community Board recommend to Council a rate increase of no more than 3% for District Rating Area 2 for the 2019/20 financial year.





Te Pohue Community Water Supply Request

(Document 19/517)



The Group Manager: Asset Management advised that the purpose of the report was to obtain a decision from the Board on the future maintenance and management of Te Pohue community drinking water supply.

This proposal arose from a request by the community to return the management and maintenance of the existing community water supply to Council.  Mr Thew advised that there were three choices:

·         Self service

·         Community upgrade the current system

·         Maintenance be returned to Council.


Councillor Lyons/Mrs Maxwell

A)           That the report of the Group Manager: Asset Management titled Te Pohue Community Water Supply Request dated 27/05/2019 be received.


B)           That the Hastings District Rural Community Board endorse the request from the Te Pohue Water Committee for Council to take back the maintenance and management of the supply.


C)           That the Hastings District Rural Community Board recommend to Council to include additional funding into the 2019/20 Annual plan to enable improvements to the supply.

With the reasons for this decision being that the objective of the decision will contribute to meeting the current and future needs of communities for good quality local infrastructure to provide safe drinking water in a way that is most cost-effective for households and business by:

·    Providing appropriate investment and management oversight to meet current and future requirements of a safe drinking water supply.





Rural Transportation Activities Report

(Document 19/443)



The Transportation Operations Manager, Mr Jackson updated the Board on the Rural Transportation Programmed Project Status and Activities Report.


Risk Register – developed with rural maintenance contractor to update and maintain register.  The register does not mitigates all risks but put systems in places as they arise.




Following the 2019 Triennium Elections the Hastings District Rural Community Board be updated on Corporate Risk as part of their induction for RCB.


The Strategic Transport Engineer, Mr Phillips circulated a copy of the Draft Middle Road Corridor Management Plan (CG-14-26-00109) and advised that this study and the improvements are part of the ACC Motorcycle Safety programme, which has identified Middle Road as one of two rural high risk motorcycle routes in the Hastings District prioritised for such work. The total funding from ACC for this programme is $1.2M over the next three years.


A report on the Middle Road Corridor would be brought back to the 9 September 2019 Rural Community Board meeting .



Councillor Lyons/Mr Dawson


A)       That the report of the Transportation Operations Manager titled Rural Transportation Activities Report dated 27/05/2019 be received.




7.        Additional Business Items

           There were no additional business items.


8.        Extraordinary Business Items

           There were no extraordinary business items.



Recommendation to Exclude the Public from Item 10 




Councillor Kerr/Councillor Lyons

THAT the public now be excluded from the following parts of the meeting, namely;

10.      Forestry Slash - Increased Inspection Regime

The general subject of the matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this Resolution in relation to the matter and the specific grounds under Section 48 (1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this Resolution is as follows:














10.   Forestry Slash - Increased Inspection Regime

Section 7(2)Ii)

The withholding of the information is necessary to enable the Council to deliberate inprivate on its decision or recommendation in relation to the submissions received in respect of the Draft District Plan.

Information in the attached report is commercially sensitive.

Section 48(1)(a)(i)

Where the Local Authority is named or specified in the First Schedule to this Act under Section 6 or 7 (except Section 7(2)(f)(i)) of this Act.





The meeting closed at 5.00pm







