COAT-ARM Hastings District Council


Civic Administration Building

Lyndon Road East, Hastings 4156

Phone:  (06) 871 5000

Fax:  (06) 871 5100

















Meeting Date:

Tuesday, 10 December 2019


CG-16-2-00018                                                                           1

Minutes of a Meeting of the Council held on

10 December 2019 at 1.00pm


Table of Contents


Item                                                                                    Page No.


1.         Prayer  2

2.         Apologies  2

3.         Seal Register  2

4.         Conflicts of Interest 2

5.         Confirmation of Minutes  2

6.         Youth Council Report for 2019  2

7.         Hawke's Bay Airport Limited - Annual Report for the year ended 30 June 2019  3

8.         Hawke's Bay Regional Sports Park Trust Annual Report to 30 June 2019  3

9.         Cranford Hospice Redevelopment 3

12.       Proposed Reserve Realignment within Waingakau Village Development - Flaxmere  4

10.       Hawke's Bay Food Innovation Hub   4

16.       Request to Remove Trees in Windsor Drainage Reserve  5

11.       Municipal Building Update and Contract extension   5

13.       Lowes Pit - A Strategy for Managing Stormwater and Minimising Risk  5

14.       Summary of Recommendations from the Hastings District Rural Community Board meeting held on 9 December 2019  6

15.       Bridge Projects Funding   7

17.       Parking Controls  7

18.       Health and Safety Quarterly Report 8

19.       Council Delegations and Appointments to Committees, Subcommittees, Joint Committees and External Organisations  8

20.       Elected Members' Remuneration Update and Expenses and Allowances Policy  9

21.       External Appointments to Committees  9

22.       Schedule of Meetings for 2020  11

23.       Requests Received Under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act (LGOIMA) Monthly Update  11

24.       Items Under Action   11

25.       2019-22 Draft Triennial Agreement for feedback from Councils  11

26.       Additional Business Items / Extraordinary Business Items  12

27.       Recommendation to Exclude the Public from Item 28  12

CG-16-2-00018                                                                           1





HELD IN THE Council Chamber, Ground Floor, Civic Administration Building, Lyndon Road East, Hastings ON

 Tuesday, 10 December 2019 AT 1.00pm



Present:                          Mayor Hazlehurst (Chair)

Councillors Barber, Corban, Dixon, Harvey, Kerr, Lawson, Nixon, O’Keefe, Oli, Redstone, Schollum, Siers and Watkins.


IN ATTENDANCE:             Chief Executive (Mr N Bickle)

Group Manager: Asset Management (Mr C Thew)

Group Manager: Planning and Regulatory Services (Mr J O’Shaughnessy)

Group Manager: Economic Growth and Organisation Improvement (Mr C Cameron)

Group Manager: Human Resources (Mrs B Bayliss)

Chief Financial Officer (Mr B Allan)

Group Manager: Community Facilities & Programmes (Mrs A Banks)

General Counsel (Mr S Smith)

Social & Youth Development Manager (Ms D Elers)

                                                Economic Development Manager (Mr L Neville)

                                                Parks and Property Services Manager (Mr C Hosford)

                                                Project Manager – Strategic (Mr S Faulknor)

                                                Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga (Ms E Horgan)

                                                3 Waters Manager (Mr B Chapman)

                                                Stormwater Manager (Mr M Kneebone)

                                                Bridge Engineer (Ms A Ileperuma)

                                                Parks Landscape and Projects Officer (Mr B Leslie)

                                                Parking Transportation Officer (Mr M England)

                                                Health and Safety Manager (Mrs J Kuzman)

                                                Project Manager (Mr D Bishop)

                                                Manager Strategic Projects & Partnerships (Mr R                                              Oosterkamp)

Manager: Democracy and Governance Services (Mrs J Evans)

                                               Project Advisor (Ms A Hilton)

                                               Media Communications Advisor (Ms N Harper)

Democracy & Governance Advisor (Mrs C Hilton)

Senior Democracy & Governance Support Officer (Mrs A Murdoch)


ALSO PRESENT:               Youth Council Chair – Kate Allen (Item6)

                                                Hawke’s Bay Airport Ltd – Mr S Ainslie and Mr T Porter                                   (Item 7)

                                                Hawke’s Bay Regional Sports Park – Mr J Mackintosh and Mr R Graham (Item 8)

                                                Mr J Buck, Ms J Giblin & Mr D Compton (Item 9)

                                                Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga – Ms E Horgan (Item 12)



1.         KARAKIA

The opening Karakia was given by Reverend Dr Ockert Schoeman, Chaplain of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Hospital.


2.         Apologies  

Mayor Hazlehurst/Councillor Redstone


That apologies for lateness from Councillor Watkins be accepted.




Leave of Absence had previously been granted to Councillor Travers.



3.         Seal Register


Mayor Hazlehurst/Councillor Kerr

That the Seal Register lie on the table during the meeting.




4.         Conflicts of Interest

Councillor Kerr declared a conflict of interest for Item 8, Hawke’s Bay Regional Sports Park Trust Annual Report to 30 June 2019.


Councillor Corban declared a conflict of interest for Item 9, Cranford Hospice Redevelopment.



5.         Confirmation of Minutes


Mayor Hazlehurst/Councillor Redstone

That the minutes of the Council Meeting held Tuesday 3 December 2019 be confirmed as a true and correct record and be adopted.




Youth Council Report for 2019

(Document 19/1237)

2019 Youth Council Chair, Kate Allen presented a video (CG-14-1-01636) to Council and addressed the meeting.


Councillor Dixon/Councillor Kerr

A)       That the Council receives the report titled Youth Council Report for 2019.


B)       That a media release be issued on the activities and successful outcomes of the 2019 Youth Council.




Hawke's Bay Airport Limited - Annual Report for the year ended 30 June 2019

(Document 19/882)

Hawke’s Bay Airport Limited, Chief Executive, Mr Stuart Ainslie and Director, Mr Tony Porter (Chairman) presented a powerpoint presentation (EXT-10-9-1-19-68) and video (EXT-10-9-1-19-69), updating Council on the Annual Report and airport facilities.


Councillor Watkins joined the meeting at 2.00pm


Mayor Hazlehurst/Councillor Kerr

A)      That the Council receives the report titled  Hawke's Bay Airport Limited - Annual Report for the year ended 30 June 2019.



Councillor Kerr had earlier declared a conflict in regard to Item 8 and withdrew from the table for this item


Hawke's Bay Regional Sports Park Trust Annual Report to 30 June 2019

(Document 19/888)

Hawke’s Bay Regional Sports Park Chief Executive, Mr Jock Mackintosh gave a powerpoint presentation on the Mitre 10 Park (CG-14-1-01635) and advised that the Park was currently in a good financial state.


Councillor Nixon/Councillor Dixon

A)      That the Council receives the report titled  Hawke's Bay Regional Sports Park Trust Annual Report to 30 June 2019.


Councillor Kerr rejoined the meeting

Councillor Corban had earlier declared a conflict in regard to Item 9 and withdrew from the table for this item


Cranford Hospice Redevelopment

(Document 19/1192)

Mr John Buck, Chairman of the Cranford Hospice Foundation and Mrs Jenni Giblin of Giblin Group spoke to the meeting advising that until they have obtained title to the land they were unable to apply for funding.


Councillor Watkins/Councillor Barber

A)        That the Council receives the report titled Cranford Hospice Redevelopment.

B)     That the Council notes that this funding application will be considered along with other funding requests for funding as part of the 2020/21 Annual Plan process.


Councillor Corban rejoined the meeting

With the agreement of the meeting Item 12 was taken out of order.



Proposed Reserve Realignment within Waingakau Village Development – Flaxmere

(Document 19/936)

Emma Horgan of Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga gave a powerpoint presentation (CG-14-1-01633) on the newly built homes in the Waingakau Village Development.


Councillor Kerr/Councillor Redstone

A)      That the Council receives the report titled  Proposed Reserve Realignment within Waingakau Village Development – Flaxmere.

B)     That Council approve in principle initiating the formal reserve realignment process within the West Flaxmere Waingakau Village Development owned by Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga.

C)     That the Chief Executive be given approval to initiate and publish a public notice to inform people of the potential land exchange and calling for any objections, as per the provisions of the  Reserves Act 1977.





Hawke's Bay Food Innovation Hub

(Document 19/1225)


Councillor Schollum/Councillor Harvey

A)      That the Council receives the report titled  Hawke's Bay Food Innovation Hub.

B)     That the Council approve the investment of up to $200,000 as unbudgeted expenditure (loan funded) in the 2019/20 financial year (subject to regional funding of $600,000) to fund establishment costs for the Hawke’s Bay Food Innovation Hub.

C)     That the Council approve for inclusion in the draft 2021 Annual Plan an investment of $800,000 (if required) to meet the regional funding contribution of $6.0m in the Hawke’s Bay Food Innovation Hub.




The meeting adjourned for afternoon tea at 3.00pm

and reconvened at 3.15pm



With the agreement of the meeting Item 16 was taken out of order.



Request to Remove Trees in Windsor Drainage Reserve

(Document 19/982)


Councillor Dixon/Councillor Redstone

A)      That the Council receives the report titled  Request to Remove Trees in Windsor Drainage Reserve.

B)     That the Council approve the request of five residents adjoining the Windsor Drainage Reserve to remove four Sequoia sempervirens (Coast Redwood) trees located in the Windsor Drainage Reserve and identified on the Location Plan in Attachment 2.

C)     That the removal of the four trees be carried out within the next 12 months.






Municipal Building Update and Contract extension

(Document 19/1197)


Councillor Dixon/Councillor Lawson

A)      That the Council receives the report titled Municipal Building Update and Contract extension.

B)     That the Council approves the release of $619,000 from the Municipal Building Stage 2 funding for the following items:

i.   $450,000 to upgrade the Stage 1 emergency escape to the circulation stairs as specified in the Stage 2 laneway concept.

ii.  $169,000 to install ducting, piping and sleeves during the construction of the new foundations for Stage 1 to enable the outcomes envisaged for Stage 2, and removing the need to dig up the foundations again for a significant additional cost.






Lowes Pit - A Strategy for Managing Stormwater and Minimising Risk

(Document 19/1211)


Councillor Nixon/Councillor Lawson

A)      That the Council receives the report titled  Lowes Pit - A Strategy for Managing Stormwater and Minimising Risk.

B)     That the Council ‘in principle’ adopt a combined Management and Stormwater Treatment approach that brings together an improved management framework and a stormwater treatment solution prior to discharge into Lowes Pit. This is set out in detail in Option 4 of the report at A above, and is the recommended strategy for managing stormwater within the Lowes Pit catchment.

C)     That the Council direct officers to report back on final stormwater treatment solution(s) as part of the 2020/21 Annual Plan deliberations.





Summary of Recommendations from the Hastings District Rural Community Board meeting held on 9 December 2019

(Document 19/1215)


Councillor Kerr/Councillor Lawson

A)     That the Council receives the report titledSummary of Recommendations from the Hastings District Rural Community Board meeting held on 9 December 2019”.


B)     That the following recommendations of the Hastings District Rural Community Board meeting held 9 December 2019 be ratified:




A)     That the Hastings District Rural Community Board receives the report titled Summary of Recommendations from the Hastings District Rural Community Board meeting held on 9 December 2019 dated 9 December 2019.

B)    That the Hastings District Rural Community Board recommend to Council that $290,000 from the Rural Flood Emergency Event Reserve be put towards funding storm damage remediation work arising from the October 2019 storm event.





A)  That the Hastings District Rural Community Board receives the report titled Bridge Projects Funding.


B)   That the Hastings District Rural Community Board recommend that Council approve advancement of the budgeted local share funding of $322,000 for the bridge strengthening programme from 2020/21 to 2019/20 in order to complete the Moeangiangi Bridge upgrade.




A)   That the Council/Committee receives the report titled Summary of Recommendations from the Hastings District Rural Community Board meeting held on 9 December 2019.

B)   That the Board recommend to Council the re-appointment of Michelle Monteith as a member of the Howard Estate Advisory Board for the period 23 August 2020 to 23 August 2023 pursuant to Section 19 (1)(d) of the Howard Estate Act 1978.





Bridge Projects Funding

(Document 19/1183)


Councillor Siers/Councillor Schollum

A)      That the Council receives the report titled Bridge Projects Funding.

B)     That the Council approve the advancement of the budgeted local share funding of $322,000 for the bridge strengthening programme from 2020/21 to 2019/20 in order to complete Moeangiangi Bridge upgrade.






Parking Controls

(Document 19/1213)


Councillor Nixon/Councillor Schollum

A)      That the Council receives the report titled  Parking Controls.

B)     That Council resolve pursuant to Clause 5.3.1(a)(i) of Chapter 5 (Parking and Traffic) of the Hastings District Council Consolidated Bylaw 2016, that the 2 existing P60 parking spaces on the southern side of Eastbourne Street West commencing 15 metres from the intersecting line with Railway Road be revoked.

C)     That Council resolve pursuant to Clause 5.3.1(a)(i) of Chapter 5 (Parking and Traffic) of the Hastings District Council Consolidated Bylaw 2016, that the 2 existing parking spaces on the southern side of Eastbourne Street West commencing 15 metres from the intersecting line with Railway Road extending 11.4 metres West be resolved to have a P30 time limit as set out in Attachment 1 (REG-22-03-12-19-491).

D)     That Council resolve pursuant to Clause 5.3.1(a)(iii) of Chapter 5 (Parking and Traffic) of the Hastings District Council Consolidated Bylaw 2016, that the 2 existing parking spaces on the southern side of Eastbourne Street West commencing 26.4 metres from the intersecting line with Railway Road extending 14 metres West be resolved to be 2 mobility carparks as set out in Attachment 1 (REG-22-03-12-19-491).

E)      That Council resolve pursuant to Clause 5.3.1(a)(i) of Chapter 5 (Parking and Traffic) of the Hastings District Council Consolidated Bylaw 2016, that the remaining parking spaces on the southern side of Eastbourne Street West commencing 30.4 metres from the intersecting line with Railway Road extending 47 metres West be resolved to have P60 time limit as set out in Attachment 1 (REG-22-03-12-19-491).





Health and Safety Quarterly Report

(Document 19/980)

Health and Safety Manager, Jennie Kuzman advised there were minor errors in the Lagging Indicators 1.3 Public Incidents table on page 128.

For September 2019 – Injuries total should read 10 not 3

For Quarter 1 Total – First Aid Treatment should read 35 not 33


Councillor Kerr/Councillor Siers

A)      That the Council receives the report titled Health and Safety Quarterly Report.




Council Delegations and Appointments to Committees, Subcommittees, Joint Committees and External Organisations

(Document 19/1022)

It was noted that Councillor Dixon was to be deleted from the Omarunui Joint Refuse Landfill Committee membership.


Councillor Schollum/Councillor Redstone

A)        That the Council receives the report titled Council Delegations and Appointments to Committees, Subcommittees, Joint Committees and External Organisations.


B)        The Delegation Scheme (Attachment 1) (PMD-01-06-19-325) be adopted subject to the following amendments:-

          District Development Subcommittee – 8 members (quorum 4)

          Great Communities Subcommittee – 8 members (quorum 4)

C)     That the recommendations of Her Worship the Mayor in respect of the appointments to Committees, of Chairs, Deputy Chairs of the Committees, External Appointees and District Champions be adopted and the people listed in the “Draft Schedule of Appointments to Committees, Subcommittees and other External Organisations 2019-2022” as amended (CG-14-1-01634) be appointed accordingly.

D)     That the recommendations of Her Worship the Mayor in respect of the appointments to outside organisations be adopted as set out in the “Draft Schedule of Appointments to Committees, Subcommittees and other External Organisations 2019-2022” as amended (CG-14-1-01634) and the people listed therein be appointed accordingly.





Elected Members' Remuneration Update and Expenses and Allowances Policy

(Document 19/799)


Councillor Schollum/Councillor Lawson

A)      That the Council receives the report titled Elected Members' Remuneration Update and Expenses and Allowances Policy.

B)     That the schedule of payments to be tabled at the meeting be approved and sent to the Remuneration Authority for determination.

C)     That the Council adopts the Policy on Elected Members’ Allowances and Expenses (CG-01-04-19-429) for the 2019 - 22 triennium and attached to the report in (A) above.




External Appointments to Committees

(Document 19/1094)

The recommendations A) to C) were addressed – they were Moved and Seconded.



Councillor Schollum/Councillor Kerr

A)       That the Council/Committee receives the report titled External Appointments to Committees.

B)     To approve the schedule of payments as follows for external   appointments to committees and subcommittees:-


Externally appointed Committee Chairs to:

Hearings Committee

Risk and Assurance Committee

Heretaunga Takoto Noa – Māori Standing Committee

$15,036 per annum


$15,036 per annum

Externally appointed Committee and Subcommittee members

$400 per committee/ subcommittee meeting

$80 per hour for attendance at workshops/site visits

Travel expenses from place of residence to meeting venue to be paid at $0.79c per km on the same terms  in the Elected Members Expenses Policy 2019.


C)       That it be noted that the names for all other external appointments with voting rights will be notified to the next ordinary meeting of Council, once the appropriate selection processes have been completed.

An amendment was then Moved, Seconded and debated.





Councillor Dixon/Councillor Nixon

D)     That only the elected Mayor and elected Councillors have voting rights on Council, Strategy and Policy and Operations and Monitoring Standing Committees for the duration of this triennium.

THE AMENDMENT was put and declared LOST on a hand vote


Councillor Schollum/Councillor Kerr

A)       That the Council/Committee receives the report titled  External Appointments to Committees.

B)     To approve the schedule of payments as follows for external          appointments to committees and subcommittees:-


Externally appointed Committee Chairs to:

Hearings Committee

Risk and Assurance Committee

Heretaunga Takoto Noa – Māori Standing Committee

$15,036 per annum


$15,036 per annum

Externally appointed Committee and Subcommittee members

$400 per committee/ subcommittee meeting

$80 per hour for attendance at workshops/site visits

Travel expenses from place of residence to meeting venue to be paid at $0.79c per km on the same terms  in the Elected Members Expenses Policy 2019.


C) That it be noted that the names for all other external appointments with voting rights will be notified to the next ordinary meeting of Council, once the appropriate selection processes have been completed.


Councillor Nixon’s vote AGAINST the Motion was recorded   



Schedule of Meetings for 2020

(Document 19/1222)


Councillor Kerr/Councillor Nixon

A)      That the Council/Committee receives the report titled Schedule of Meetings for 2020.

B)      That the Council adopt the schedule of meetings for 2020.





Requests Received Under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act (LGOIMA) Monthly Update

(Document 19/1221)


Councillor Schollum/Councillor Lawson

A)      That the Council receives the report titled  Requests Received Under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act (LGOIMA) Monthly Update.

B)     That the LGOIMA requests received in November 2019 as set out in Attachment 1 (IRB-2-01-19-1812) of the report be noted.





Items Under Action

(Document 19/1247)


Councillor Schollum/Councillor Lawson

A)      That the Council/Committee receives the report titled Items Under Action.




2019-22 Draft Triennial Agreement for feedback from Councils

(Document 19/1261)


Councillor Kerr/Councillor Dixon

A)      That the Council/Committee receives the report titled 2019-22 Draft Triennial Agreement for feedback from Councils.

B)     That the Council provides feedback on the Draft Triennial Agreement prior to its adoption by 1 March 2020.






26.       Additional Business Items /  EXTRAORDINARY BUSINESS ITEMS

            There were no additional/extraordinary business items.




Recommendation to Exclude the Public from Item 29 




Councillor Kerr/Councillor Watkins

THAT the public now be excluded from the following parts of the meeting, namely;

28        Flaxmere Landholdings

The general subject of the matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this Resolution in relation to the matter and the specific grounds under Section 48 (1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this Resolution is as follows:














28    Flaxmere Landholdings

Section 7 (2) (b) (ii)

The withholding of the information is necessary to protect information where the making available of the information would be likely to unreasonably prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied or who is the subject of the information.

Section 7 (2) (i)

The withholding of the information is necessary to enable the local authority to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations).

To allow third party commercial negotiations to take place.

Section 48(1)(a)(i)

Where the Local Authority is named or specified in the First Schedule to this Act under Section 6 or 7 (except Section 7(2)(f)(i)) of this Act.









Mayor Hazlehurst thanked Councillors and Council officers, acknowledging their hard work and commitment throughout the year.


Councillor Watkins acknowledged the work the Mayor had undertaken during the year on behalf of the Council.




The meeting closed at 5.08pm






