Tuesday, 5 March 2024

Te Hui o Te Kaunihera ā-Rohe o Heretaunga

Administered by Hastings District Council: HB Crematorium Committee Meeting

Ngā Miniti



Te Rā Hui:
Meeting date:

Tuesday, 5 March 2024

Te Wāhi:

Landmarks Room

Ground Floor

Civic Administration Building

Lyndon Road East


Time start – end:

10.15am – 11.10am



Tuesday, 5 March 2024

Te Hui o Te Kaunihera ā-Rohe o Heretaunga

Hastings District Council: HB Crematorium Committee Meeting

Ngā Miniti


Te Rārangi Upoko
Table of Contents

Item                                                                                                      Page No.


1.            Apologies – Ngā Whakapāhatanga   1

2.            Conflicts of Interest - He Ngākau Kōnatunatu  1

3.            Confirmation of Minutes - Te Whakamana i Ngā Miniti 1

4.            Election of Chair and Deputy Chair  1

5.            Report to HB Crematorium Committee   2

6.            Minor Items - Ngā Take Iti 2

7.            Urgent Items - Ngā Take Whakahihiri 2





Tuesday, 5 March 2024

Te Hui o Te Kaunihera ā-Rohe o Heretaunga

Hastings District Council: HB Crematorium Committee Meeting

Ngā Miniti

Kua Tae ā-tinana:

Chair: Councillor Malcom Dixon (HDC)

Deputy Chair: Councillor Nigel Simpson (NCC)


Councillor Simon Nixon (HDC)

Councillor Juliet Greig (NCC)

Councillor Gerard Minehan (CHBDC)

Kua Tatū:
In attendance:

Group Manager: Asset Management – Craig Thew

Cemetery Manager – Isak Bester

Cemetery and Crematorium Assistant Manager – Sonia Sussmilch

Building Assets Manager - John Jiang

Democracy & Governance Advisor - Christine Hilton



1.         Apologies – Ngā Whakapāhatanga

There were no apologies.


2.         Conflicts of Interest - He Ngākau Kōnatunatu

There were no declarations of conflicts of interest.


3.         Confirmation of Minutes - Te Whakamana i Ngā Miniti

There were no previous minutes to be confirmed as this was the first meeting of the triennium.



Election of Chair and Deputy Chair


(Document 24/51)

The meeting was opened with the Group Manager: Asset Management, Mr C Thew, in the Chair. 


This was the first meeting of the HB Crematorium Committee for this triennium and those present introduced themselves.


Mr Thew called for nominations for the role of Chair.

Election of Chair

Councillor Dixon (HDC) was nominated as Chair by Councillor Simpson (NCC) and seconded by Councillor Greig (NCC).

As there were no other nominations, Councillor Dixon (HDC) was duly elected unopposed as Chair.

At this point Councillor Dixon assumed the Chair and called for nominations for Deputy Chair.

Election of Deputy Chair

Councillor Simpson (NCC) was nominated as Deputy Chair by Councillor Minehan (CHBDC) and seconded by Councillor Greig (NCC).

As there were no other nominations, Councillor Price (NCC) was duly elected unopposed as Deputy Chair.


Councillor Nixon/Councillor Minehan

A)        That the HB Crematorium Committee Meeting receive the report titled Election of Chair and Deputy Chair dated 5 March 2024.

B)        That Councillor Malcolm Dixon (HDC) be appointed as Chair of the HB Crematorium Committee for the 2022-2025 triennium.

C)        That Councillor Nigel Simpson (NCC) be appointed as Deputy Chair of the HB Crematorium Committee for the 2022-2025 triennium.





Report to HB Crematorium Committee


(Document 24/53)

Assistant Manager, Crematorium, Sonia Sussmilch spoke to the agenda report, highlighting the main points in the report.  She and the other officers present responded to questions from the committee.

A copy of “Yearly Budget – Cremator Expenses” (CG-17-19-00006) was circulated at the meeting and discussed with the committee.


Councillor Nixon/Councillor Simpson

That the Hawke’s Bay Crematorium Committee receive the report titled Report to HB Crematorium Committee dated 5 March 2024.



6.         Minor Items - Ngā Take Iti

                There were no additional business items.



7.         Urgent Items - Ngā Take Whakahihiri

                There were no extraordinary business items.




The meeting closed at 11.10am







