Thursday, 28 March 2024

Te Hui o Te Kaunihera ā-Rohe o Heretaunga

Hastings District Council: Performance and Monitoring Committee Meeting

Ngā Miniti



Te Rā Hui:
Meeting date:

Thursday, 28 March 2024


Council Chamber

Ground Floor

Civic Administration Building

Lyndon Road East


Time start - end

9.00am – 12.55pm



Thursday, 28 March 2024

Te Hui o Te Kaunihera ā-Rohe o Heretaunga

Hastings District Council: Performance and Monitoring Committee Meeting

Ngā Miniti


Te Rārangi Upoko
Table of Contents

Item                                                                                                      Page No.


1.            Opening prayer - Karakia   1

2.            Apologies & Leave of Absence - Ngā Whakapāhatanga me te Wehenga ā-Hui 2

3.            Conflicts of Interest - He Ngākau Kōnatunatu  2

4.            Confirmation of Minutes - Te Whakamana i Ngā Miniti 2

5.            Hawke's Bay Airport Ltd Draft Statement of Intent and half year report to 31 December 2023  2

6.            Hawke's Bay REDA Limited Update Report  3

8.            Hawke's Bay Regional Sports Park Trust Update   3

7.            Hawke's Bay Museums Trust draft Statement of Intent and half year report to 31 December 2023  4

9.            Quarterly Financial Report for the six months ended 31st December 2023  4

10.          Performance and Monitoring Report for the quarter ending 31 December 2023  5

11.          Minor Items - Ngā Take Iti 5

12.          Urgent Items - Ngā Take Whakahihiri 5





Thursday, 28 March 2024

Te Hui o Te Kaunihera ā-Rohe o Heretaunga

Hastings District Council: Performance and Monitoring Committee Meeting

Ngā Miniti
Open Minutes

Kua Tae ā-tinana:

Chair: Councillor Michael Fowler

Councillors: Ana Apatu, Alwyn Corban, Malcolm Dixon, Damon Harvey, Henry Heke, Kellie Jessup, Tania Kerr, Simon Nixon, Wendy Schollum and Kevin Watkins

Mayor Sandra Hazlehurst

Hastings District Rural Community Board appointee: Jonathan Stockley (RCB Chair)

Kua Tatū:
In attendance:

Deputy Chief Executive – Bruce Allan (Lead)

Group Manager: Asset Management - Craig Thew

Group Manager: Strategy & Development – Craig Cameron

Chief Financial Officer – Ross Franklin

Financial Controller – Aaron Wilson

Group Manager: Community Wellbeing & Services – Rebekah Dinwoodie

Group Manager: Marketing, Communications & Engagement – Naomi Fergusson

Legal Counsel - Scott Smith

Strategy, Policy & Evaluation Advisor - Taylor Eubanks

Strategic Project Manager - Kim Herrick

Transportation Asset Manager - Marius van Niekerk

Wastewater Manager - David Mackenzie

Democracy & Governance Advisor - Christine Hilton

Democracy & Governance Advisor – Caitlyn Dine

Kei Konei:
Also present:

Director, Hawke’s Bay Airport Limited - Jon Nichols (Item 5)

Chief Financial Officer, Hawke’s Bay Airport Limited - Rochelle Ham (Item 5)

Chief Executive Officer, Hawke’s Bay Regional Economic Development Agency (REDA) - Lucy Laitinen (Item 6)

General Manager, Hawke’s Bay Regional Sports Park Trust - Glenn Lucas (Item 8)



1.         Opening prayer - Karakia

The opening prayer was given by Councillor Jessup.


                Councillors Kerr and Heke joined the meeting at 9.02am.



2.         Apologies & Leave of Absence - Ngā Whakapāhatanga me te Wehenga ā-Hui


Councillor Fowler/Councillor Schollum

That Apologies for Lateness from Councillors Kerr, Heke and Harvey be accepted.


That Leave of Absence be Granted to Councillor Dixon for 20 to 22 May 2024 inclusive.



Leave of Absence had previously been granted to Councillor Lawson and Councillor Buddo (Deputy Chair).  Leave of Absence for Cr Kerr, on 12 April, had been granted by the Mayor under the latter’s delegated authority.


Councillor Jessup advised that she would need to withdraw from the meeting at 11.00am.


3.         Conflicts of Interest - He Ngākau Kōnatunatu

Councillors Kerr, Heke and Corban each declared a conflict of interest in relation to Agenda Item 8 “Hawke’s Bay Regional Sports Park Trust Update”.


4.         Confirmation of Minutes - Te Whakamana i Ngā Miniti


Councillor Watkins/Councillor Dixon

That the minutes of the Performance & Monitoring Committee Meeting held Tuesday 21 November 2023 be confirmed as an accurate record.





Hawke's Bay Airport Ltd Draft Statement of Intent and half year report to 31 December 2023


(Document 24/64) (Attachments 1 to 4 are included in a separate attachments document – Vol 1)

Director, Hawke’s Bay Airport Limited (“HBAL”), Jon Nichols gave an overview of the HBAL’s Draft Statement of Intent and Half Year Report. He noted that these documents captured the points that would have been in the Letters of Expectation that were still to come from the Hastings District and the Napier City Councils.  Mr Nichols and the Chief Financial Officer (HBAL), Rochelle Ham displayed and spoke to a power point presentation (CG-17-4-00102) and responded to questions from the Committee. 

An apology was noted from the Chair of the HBAL Board, Wendie Harvey, who had been unable to attend.

Councillor Harvey joined the meeting at 9.14am.

The Mayor congratulated the HBAL on the Half Year Report after a difficult period for the organisation.




Mayor Hazlehurst/Councillor Nixon

A)        That the Performance and Monitoring Committee receive the report titled Hawke's Bay Airport Ltd Draft Statement of Intent and Half Year Report to 31 December 2023 dated 28 March 2024.

B)        That the Committee receive the Hawke’s Bay Airport Limited Half Year Report to 31 December 2023.

C)        That the Committee receive the Hawke’s Bay Airport Limited Draft 2024-2025 Statement of Intent and provide any feedback as required.





Hawke's Bay REDA Limited Update Report


(Document 24/66)

Strategic Project Manager, Kim Herrick and the Chief Executive Officer, Hawke’s Bay Regional Economic Development Agency (REDA), Lucy Laitinen,spoke to the agenda report and attachments and responded to a number of questions from the Committee. 

Ms Laitinen explained that REDA was just coming out of its establishment phase and had also been establishing Te Rae, the new business hub.  She expanded on these points and outlined REDA’s approach to its activities and several studies it proposed to commission of the HB economy, including the Māori economy, and how the outcomes of those studies may be used by REDA and others.


Councillor Kerr/Mayor Hazlehurst

That the Performance and Monitoring Committee receive the report titled Hawke's Bay REDA Limited Update Report dated 28 March 2024.



                With the agreement of the meeting, Agenda Item 8 was taken out of order and addressed at this point, while the General Manager of the Regional Sports Park Trust was present.



Hawke's Bay Regional Sports Park Trust Update


(Document 24/11)

As noted earlier in the meeting, Councillors Kerr, Heke and Corban each declared a conflict of interest in relation to this item.  

The Trust’s General Manager, Glenn Lucas, displayed and spoke to a power point presentation (CG-17-4-00100), which included a video, and responded to questions from the Committee.

Apart from responding to any relevant questions, Councillors Kerr, Heke and Corban took no part in discussion or voting on this item.



Councillor Dixon/Councillor Harvey

A)        That the Performance and Monitoring Committee receive the report titled Hawke's Bay Regional Sports Park Trust Update dated 28 March 2024.

B)        That the Committee receive the verbal update from the Hawke’s Bay Regional Sports Park Trust.



The meeting then adjourned at 10.35am and resumed at 11.35am.

During the break, as had been noted earlier in the minutes,

Councillor Jessup withdrew from the meeting and did not return.



Hawke's Bay Museums Trust draft Statement of Intent and half year report to 31 December 2023


(Document 24/65) (Attachments 1 and 2 are included in a separate attachments document – Vol 1)

Deputy Chief Executive, Bruce Allan, spoke to the agenda report and responded to questions from the Committee.  An apology was noted from the Chair of Hawke’s Bay Museums Trust (HBMT), Dr Richard Grant who had been unable to attend this meeting


Councillor Dixon/Councillor Schollum

A)        That the Performance and Monitoring Committee receive the report titled Hawke's Bay Museums Trust Draft Statement of Intent and Half-Year Report to 31 December 2023 dated 28 March 2024.

B)        That the Committee receives the Hawke’s Bay Museums Trust Half-Year Report to 31 December 2023.

C)        That the Committee receives and provides any feedback to the Hawke’s Bay Museums Trust on the Draft 2025-27 Statement of Intent.




Item 8 had been taken out of order earlier in the meeting and addressed.




Quarterly Financial Report for the six months ended 31st December 2023


(Document 24/69)

The Financial Controller, Aaron Wilson, spoke to the agenda report and responded to questions from the Committee.  A power point presentation was displayed at the meeting (CG-17-4-00101).

Mr Wilson noted a correction to Paragraph 4.21 of his report, where the last three words should read “and was budgeted”.




Councillor Watkins/Councillor Dixon

That Performance and Monitoring Committee receives the report titled Quarterly Financial Report for the six months ended 31st December 2023 dated 28 March 2024.





Performance and Monitoring Report for the quarter ending 31 December 2023


(Document 24/86) (The attachment is included in a separate attachments document – Vol 2)

Deputy Chief Executive, Bruce Allan, spoke to the agenda report.  He and several other group managers responded to a number of questions from the Committee.  It was noted that this was the last quarterly report that Strategy, Policy & Evaluation Advisor, Taylor Eubanks, would be involved in before she left the council.  The meeting thanked her for the quality of the work in the reports.

The meeting also acknowledged the work that had been undertaken by Transportation Asset Manager, Marius van Niekerk, who was also leaving the council.

Councillor Heke withdrew from the meeting at 12.30pm.


Councillor Nixon/Councillor Watkins

That the Performance and Monitoring Committee receive the report titled Performance and Monitoring Report for the quarter ending 31 December 2023 dated 28 March 2024.




11.      Minor Items - Ngā Take Iti

                There were no additional business items.



12.      Urgent Items - Ngā Take Whakahihiri

                There were no extraordinary business items.




The meeting closed at 12.55pm







