Tuesday, 27 August 2024

Te Hui o Te Kaunihera ā-Rohe o Heretaunga

Hastings District Council

Strategy and Recovery Committee Meeting




Te Rā Hui:
Meeting date:

Tuesday, 27 August 2024

Te Wā:


Te Wāhi:

Council Chamber

Ground Floor

Civic Administration Building

Lyndon Road East


Te Hoapā:

Democracy and Governance Services

P: 06 871 5000  |  E: democracy@hdc.govt.nz

Te Āpiha Matua:
Responsible Officer:

Group Manager: Strategy & Development - Craig Cameron


Strategy and Recovery Committee – Terms of Reference


Fields of Activity


The purpose of the Strategy and Recovery Committee is to;

Develop all strategic, policy and planning frameworks for approval by the Committee or Council as required,

Review progress in Cyclone Recovery, make decisions and recommendations to Council relating to the key strategic matters and Council’s contribution to Cyclone Recovery.  It will also assess the quality of Council’s engagement and communications with the Government, key partners and stakeholders, and the community.


·         Mayor and 15 Councillors

·         Chair appointed by Council.

·         Deputy Chair appointed by Council.

·         Two (non-council) members of the Heretaunga Takoto Noa Māori Standing Committee and an alternate.

·         The Chair and Deputy Chair of the Rural Community Board and an alternate.

Quorum – 11 members


1)       Authority to exercise all of Council’s powers, functions and authorities (except where prohibited by law or otherwise delegated to another committee) in relation to all matters detailed in this delegation.

2)       Authority to exercise all of Council’s powers, functions and authorities (except where prohibited by law) at any time when the Chief Executive certifies in a report that;

a)      the matter is of such urgency that it requires to be dealt with, or

b)      the matter is required to be dealt with, prior to the next ordinary meeting of the Council.

3)       Establish strategic direction to deliver Council Objectives and District Vision.

4)       Establish policies and guidelines for decision making to assist in achieving strategic outcomes.

5)       Establish levels of service across Council services in line with strategic goals and priorities.

6)       Receive and consider reports from Subcommittees.

7)       Develop and recommend the financial and infrastructure strategies and budgets for the Long-Term Plan, Annual Plan and Annual Report.

8)       Develop the Rating Policy for recommendation to Council for adoption.

9)       Develop Funding Policies for recommendation to Council for adoption.

10)    Delegations of powers to sub-committee(s) if so established.

11)    Approve the purchase of and disposal of land (If included in the Long Term Plan).

12)    Making submissions on behalf of Council to proposals by other organisations/authorities (Local and Regional).

Cyclone Recovery Delegations

13)    Receive briefings and reports on key and emerging issues and community wellbeing related to Cyclone Gabrielle.

14)    Develop and approve strategies and responses to key and emerging issues and make recommendations to the Council as necessary.

15)    Develop and recommend Locality Plans for Council adoption and oversee and monitor the implementation of Locality Plans.

16)    Authority to exercise all of Council’s powers, functions and authorities in relation to Cyclone Gabrielle Recovery matters within the authorised Council budget (except where prohibited by law or otherwise delegated to another committee), and where insufficient approved budget provision exists, make recommendations to the Council as necessary.

17)    Assess the quality of engagement and communication with the Government, partners, key stakeholders and the community in respect of cyclone Recovery.

18)    Receive deputations and presentations from partners, stakeholders and the community in relation to Cyclone Gabrielle Recovery.

19)    Delegate its powers to sub-committee(s) if so established.

20)    Make submissions on behalf of Council to proposals by other organisations/authorities in relation to Cyclone Gabrielle Recovery.




Tuesday, 27 August 2024

Te Hui o Te Kaunihera ā-Rohe o Heretaunga

Hastings District Council

Strategy and Recovery Committee Meeting




Chair: Councillor Wendy Schollum

Ngā KaiKaunihera

Councillors: Ana Apatu, Marcus Buddo, Alwyn Corban, Malcolm Dixon, Michael Fowler, Damon Harvey, Henry Heke, Kellie Jessup, Eileen Lawson (Deputy Chair), Tania Kerr, Hana Montaperto-Hendry, Simon Nixon, Heather Te Au-Skipworth and Kevin Watkins

Mayor Sandra Hazlehurst

Hastings District Rural Community Board Appointees: Jonathan Stockley (RCB Chair); Izzy Crawshaw (RCB Deputy Chair) OR Vicki Scoular (Alternate)

2 Heretaunga Takoto Noa Māori Standing Committee Appointees: Ngaio Tiuka and 1 x Vacancy as well as 1 x Vacancy (for an Alternate)


11 members

Apiha Matua
Officers Responsible:

Group Manager: Strategy & Development – Craig Cameron

Deputy Chief Executive – Bruce Allan

Strategy Manager – Lex Verhoeven

Principal Advisor: District Development – Mark Clews

Program Manager Growth Infrastructure – Brett Chapman

Strategic Project Manager (Portfolio Lead) – Dean Ferguson

Manager - Recovery & Special Projects – Gus Charteris


Te Rōpū Manapori me te Kāwanatanga
Democracy & Governance Services:

Lynne Cox (Extn 5632)




Te Rārangi Take
Order of Business


Apologies – Ngā Whakapāhatanga

At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.

At the close of the agenda no requests for leave of absence had been received.



Conflict of Interest – He Ngākau Kōnatunatu

Members need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arises between their role as a Member of the Council and any private or other external interest they might have.  This note is provided as a reminder to Members to scan the agenda and assess their own private interests and identify where they may have a pecuniary or other conflict of interest, or where there may be perceptions of conflict of interest. 

If a Member feels they do have a conflict of interest, they should publicly declare that at the start of the relevant item of business and withdraw from participating in the meeting.  If a Member thinks they may have a conflict of interest, they can seek advice from the General Counsel or the Manager: Democracy and Governance (preferably before the meeting). 

It is noted that while Members can seek advice and discuss these matters, the final decision as to whether a conflict exists rests with the member.



Confirmation of Minutes – Te Whakamana i Ngā Miniti

There are no minutes to confirm.  



Hawke's Bay Regional Council Presentation on Flood Controls and Drainage Schemes in the Hastings District 



Minor Items – Ngā Take Iti



Urgent Items – Ngā Take Whakahihiri




Tuesday, 27 August 2024

Te Hui o Te Kaunihera ā-Rohe o Heretaunga

Hastings District Council: Strategy and Recovery Committee Meeting

Te Rārangi Take
Report to Strategy and Recovery Committee



Dr Nic Peet, Chief Executive Hawke’s Bay Regional Council

Te Take:


Hawke's Bay Regional Council Presentation on Flood Controls and Drainage Schemes in the Hastings District


1.0    Purpose and Summary - Te Kaupapa Me Te Whakarāpopototanga

1.1      The purpose of this Report is to provide context for the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council (HBRC) presentation on the flood control and drainage schemes they are responsible for across the Heretaunga/Hastings District. 

1.2      HBRC Chief Executive Dr Peet and Chair Ms Ormsby along with senior staff will present on key areas of interest for Council and our communities. 

1.3      HBRC will focus their presentation on the current and future design standards and management of the Heretaunga Plains Flood Control Scheme following Cyclone Gabrielle.

1.4      The HBRC presentation will address the following topics:



·    The Heretaunga Plains Flood Control Scheme (Scheme)

·    Crown / Central Government funding allocated for repairs and improvements to the Scheme.


            Cyclone Gabrielle and Recovery Programme

·    The impact of the Cyclone on the flood controls and drainage

·    HBRC’s response to damage in the Hastings District

·    Crown funding for the Cyclone Response

·    HBRC Cyclone Recovery Programme Structure.




            Cyclone Recovery – Current Initiatives

·    Progress of flood mitigation projects in Hastings property Category 2C (community level interventions are effective in managing future severe weather event risk) areas

·    Land categorisation

·    The Scheme review.


            Design Standards for Flood Controls

·    Proposed design standards

·    Regional impact on key priorities.


            Flood Warnings

·    Telemetry improvements

·    Flood Plain Management Plans.


            Post-cyclone Reviews

·    Scheme Review – Independent Flood Review

·    Recommendations of the Review

·    Shared responsibility between Councils in marginal areas.


            Cyclone Recovery – Ways of Working

·    Engagement approach

·    Mana whenua

·    Cross-Council collaboration.



2.0    Recommendations - Ngā Tūtohunga

A)        That the Strategy and Recovery Committee receive the Report titled Hawke's Bay Regional Council Presentation on Flood Controls and Drainage Schemes in the Hastings District dated 27 August 2024.

B)        That the Committee notes the presentation given by Hawke’s Bay Regional Council on the Heretaunga Plains Flood Control Scheme.




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