Tuesday, 7 May 2024

Te Hui o Te Kaunihera ā-Rohe o Heretaunga

Hastings District Council

Civic Development Subcommittee Meeting




Te Rā Hui:
Meeting date:

Tuesday, 7 May 2024

Te Wā:


Te Wāhi:

Council Chamber

Ground Floor

Civic Administration Building

Lyndon Road East


Te Hoapā:

Democracy and Governance Services

P: 06 871 5000  |  E: democracy@hdc.govt.nz

Te Āpiha Matua:
Responsible Officer:

Group Manager: Community Wellbeing & Services - Rebekah Dinwoodie


Civic Development Subcommittee

A Subcommittee of the Performance and Monitoring Committee.

Fields of Activity

The Civic Development Subcommittee is responsible for making delegated decisions and advising the Performance and Monitoring Committee by;

·          Assisting Council in the allocation of Community Grants by;

-         Reviewing applications for Community Grants.

-         Setting appropriate performance measures to assist in the measurement of delivery of activities funded from Grants.

-         Allocation of grant funding within the budget allocation.

·          Assisting Council in its general overview of procurement and tender activity by accepting tenders which exceed the Chief Executive’s delegated authority to approve, for projects previously approved by Council or a Standing Committee within the delegated authority.

·          Assisting Council by reviewing and considering submissions and deciding applications for temporary closure of roads.

·          Recommending to Council the appointment of trustees to Te Mata Park Trust Board.

·          Recommending to Council the appointment of directors to Hastings District Holdings Limited.

·          Recommending to Council the appointment of List Members to the District Licencing Committee.

·          Assisting Council by reviewing, considering nominations and recommending recipients of Civic Awards.

·          Assisting Council by remaining cognisant of activities in the Community that deliver improved wellbeing and safety outcomes and advising Council how it can appropriately enable these activities.

·          Providing guidance and oversight to Council Officers in the delivery of Council safety and security investments & initiatives to improve community wellbeing and sense of feeling safe and welcome.

·          Providing guidance and oversight to Council Officers in the delivery of major Council civic development capital projects (projects as assigned to the Subcommittee).  

·          Providing comprehensive six monthly (and as required) Council civic development capital project progress reports to the Performance and Monitoring Committee.  

·          Providing guidance and oversight to Council Officers in the delivery of major Council and Council enabled Events.

Providing guidance and oversight to Council Officers in the active promotion of Hastings as a Visitor Destination.


·          8 Councillors.

·          1 Heretaunga Takoto Noa Māori Standing Committee Member appointed by Council.

·          Group Manager: Planning and Regulatory Services to be a member only when the Subcommittee is recommending the appointment of List Members to the Hastings District Licensing Committee.

·          The Chief Executive to be a member only when the Subcommittee is making a decision on tendering and procurement matters.

·          The Group Manager Asset Management to be a member only when the Subcommittee is making a decision on tendering and procurement matters.

·          The Transportation Manager to be a member only when the Subcommittee is making a decision on applications for temporary closure of roads.

·          The Environmental Consents Manager to be a member only when the Subcommittee is making a decision on applications for temporary closure of roads.

·          The Chair of the Te Mata Park Trust Board to be a member only when the Subcommittee is making a decision on appointments to the Te Mata Park Trust Board.

·          The Chief Financial Officer to be a member only when the Subcommittee is making a decision on appointments to the boards of any Council Controlled Organisations.

·          Chair appointed by Council.

·          2 Youth Council Members appointed by Council (non-voting)


a)        A minimum of 3 members - for Subcommittee meetings where the agenda items only address proposed temporary road closure applications (when there are no submitters).

b)        A minimum of 5 members for all other meetings of the Subcommittee.

Delegated Powers

1)        Authority to exercise all Council’s powers, functions and authorities (except where prohibited by law or otherwise delegated) in relation to the allocation of grant funding within the budget allocation.

2)        Authority to accept tenders for individual projects previously approved by the Council or a Standing Committee of the Council up to a value of $10,000,000.

3)        Responsibility to provide oversight and direction on tendering processes in general and/or specific issues relating to a particular project.

4)        All the Council’s powers and functions in respect to temporary prohibition of traffic under Section 342(1)(b) and clause 11(e) of Schedule 10 of the Local Government Act 1974.

5)        Recommend to Council the appointment of Trustees to Te Mata Park Trust Board in accordance with the policy on Appointment of Trustees for Te Mata Park Trust Board, and the provisions of section 57 of the Local Government Act 2002.

6)        Recommend to Council the appointment of director positions for Hastings District Holdings Limited in accordance with the Council’s Policy on Appointment and Remuneration of Directors for Council Organisations.

7)        Recommend to Council the recipients of Civic Awards.

8)        Recommend to Council the appointment of List Members to the Hastings District Licensing Committee in accordance with the policy on the appointment of members for the District Licensing Committee, and the provisions of Sections 192 – 194 of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.




Tuesday, 7 May 2024

Te Hui o Te Kaunihera ā-Rohe o Heretaunga

Hastings District Council

Civic Development Subcommittee Meeting




Chair: Councillor Malcolm Dixon

Ngā KaiKaunihera

Councillors: Michael Fowler, Damon Harvey, Henry Heke, Kellie Jessup, Wendy Schollum and Kevin Watkins + 1 x Vacancy


Mayor Sandra Hazlehurst


Transportation Manager, Jag Pannu AND

Environmental Consents Manager, Caleb Sutton – for Item 4


Heretaunga Takoto Noa Māori Standing Committee appointee: Elizabeth Waiwiri-Hunt


Two Youth Council appointees:  Sophie Webber and Taylor Bevan





3 members - for meetings where the agenda items only address proposed temporary road closure applications (if no submitters).

5 members - for all other meetings of the Subcommittee.



Apiha Matua
Officer Responsible:


Rebekah Dinwoodie – Group Manager:  Community Wellbeing & Services


Te Rōpū Manapori me te Kāwanatanga
Democracy & Governance Services:


Christine Hilton (Extn 5633)



Te Rārangi Take
Order of Business


Apologies – Ngā Whakapāhatanga

At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.

At the close of the agenda no requests for leave of absence had been received.



Conflict of Interest – He Ngākau Kōnatunatu

Members need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arises between their role as a Member of the Council and any private or other external interest they might have.  This note is provided as a reminder to Members to scan the agenda and assess their own private interests and identify where they may have a pecuniary or other conflict of interest, or where there may be perceptions of conflict of interest. 

If a Member feels they do have a conflict of interest, they should publicly declare that at the start of the relevant item of business and withdraw from participating in the meeting.  If a Member thinks they may have a conflict of interest, they can seek advice from the General Counsel or the Manager: Democracy and Governance (preferably before the meeting). 

It is noted that while Members can seek advice and discuss these matters, the final decision as to whether a conflict exists rests with the member.



Confirmation of Minutes – Te Whakamana i Ngā Miniti

Minutes of the Civic Development Subcommittee Meeting held Tuesday 2 April 2024.

(Still to be completed)   



Temporary Road Closures - Military Parade - 7 June 2024; Motorsport Event, Gimblett Road - 9 June 2023; School Opening - 1 June 2024; HB Marathon - 18 May 2024 



Funding - Connect Community Trust 



Funding - Sport Hawke’s Bay 



Minor Items – Ngā Take Iti



Urgent Items – Ngā Take Whakahihiri



Tuesday, 7 May 2024

Te Hui o Te Kaunihera ā-Rohe o Heretaunga

Hastings District Council: Civic Development Subcommittee Meeting

Te Rārangi Take
Report to Civic Development Subcommittee



Alf Johnson, Network Controls Manager

Te Take:


Temporary Road Closures - Military Parade - 7 June 2024; Motorsport Event, Gimblett Road - 9 June 2023; School Opening - 1 June 2024; HB Marathon - 18 May 2024


1.0    Executive Summary – Te Kaupapa Me Te Whakarāpopototanga

1.1       The purpose of this report is to obtain a decision from the Civic Development Subcommittee in regard to the following temporary road closures as requested below.  This request arises from the need to inform and gain Hastings District Council (“the Council”) approval in order to comply with the legal process to temporarily close the roads listed below:

Military Parade: Lyndon Road from Karamu Road to Hastings Street. The road closures will be between 10.00am to 1.00pm on Friday, 7 June 2024.The purpose of these road closures is to hold a Military Parade.

Motor Sport Event: Gimblett Road from Maraekakaho Road to End of Road. The road closure will be between 9.00am to 5.00pm on Sunday, 9 June 2024. The purpose of this event is to hold a Motor Sport Event.

School Opening: Bennett Road from Otene Road to Panapa Road. The road closure will be between 1.00am to 6.00pm on Saturday 1 June 2024. The purpose of the road closure is a school opening.

HB Marathon: Haumoana Road & Beach Road from Parkhill Road to East Road on the odd house number sides. The road closure will be between 7.00am to 4.00pm Saturday 18 May 2024. The purpose of this road closure is to hold the Hawke’s Bay Marathon.

1.2       Given that there are no submissions in opposition to the closures and subject to the recommended conditions the activities can proceed and be undertaken in a safe and controlled environment. The risks associated with these closures can then be minimised and safely managed to Council’s satisfaction.

1.3       As part of the notification process for these proposed temporary road closures, representatives visited each of the persons deemed to be affected by the proposed closures.  This is an important part of each proposed temporary road closure and is undertaken by the respective applicant involved.  Details of the consultation undertaken in regard to the above proposed temporary road closures are set out under the consultation section of this report.


2.0    Recommendations - Ngā Tūtohunga

A)        That the Civic Development Subcommittee receive the report titled Temporary Road Closures - Military Parade - 7 June 2024; Motorsport Event, Gimblett Road - 9 June 2023; School Opening - 1 June 2024; HB Marathon - 18 May 2024, dated 7 May 2024.

B)        That the Civic Development Subcommittee approve the following temporary road closures subject to no submissions or objections having been received in respect of these applications:

i.    Military Parade: Lyndon Road from Karamu Road to Hastings Street. The road closures will be between 10.00am to 1.00pm on Friday, 7 June 2024.  The purpose of this road closures is to hold a military parade.

ii.   Motor Sport Event: Gimblett Road from Maraekakaho Road to end of Road. The road closure will be between 9.00am to 5.00pm on Sunday, 9 June 2024. The purpose of this road closure is to hold a Motor Sport Event.

iii.  School Opening: Bennett Road from Otene Road to Panapa Road. The road closure will be between 1.00am to 6.00pm on Saturday, 1 June 2024. The purpose of this road closure is a school opening.

iv.  HB Marathon: Haumoana & Beach Roads from Parkhill Road to East Road on the odd number house side. The road closure will be between 7.00am to 4.00pm on Saturday 18 May 2024. The purpose of this road closure is for a marathon.


Subject to the following conditions to be complied with to the satisfaction of the Group Manager: Asset Management:

i.    These events are conducted in accordance with the New Zealand Transport Agency Code of Practice Temporary Traffic Management (CoPTTM).

ii.   The Traffic Management Plans including provision for appropriate signage is approved by the Traffic Management Coordinator acting under delegated authority.

iii.  The Traffic Management Plans must be complied with including any specific conditions.

iv.  Copies of the relevant liability insurance policies are received.

v.   That the cost of all advertising is met by the event organiser/s.

vi.  Emergency Services are contacted regarding the holding of this event with details of the dates, locations and time frames.

vii. As per the Traffic Management Plan provisions - all emergency services will be accommodated and access provided through the sites as required.

viii.  The applicant/s are responsible under the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 for all health and safety risks associated with this activity and must take reasonably practicable steps to ensure the safety of all persons during these temporary road closures.

ix.  The applicant/s have in place at all times, appropriate Health and Safety measures (to prevent harm to any persons), including (but not limited to) any measures provided for in the submitted Health and Safety Plans including any conditions attached.




3.0    Background – Te Horopaki

3.1       This report covers the application to hold events, being:

Military Parade: Lyndon Road from Karamu Road to Hastings Street. The road closures will be between 10.00am to 1.00pm on Friday, 7 June 2023.

Motor Sport Event: Gimblett Road from Maraekakaho Road to end of Road. The road closure will be between 9.00am to 5.00pm on Sunday, 9 June 2024.

School Opening: Bennett Road from Otene Road to Panapa Road. The road closure will be between 1.00am to 6.00pm on Saturday, 1 June 2024.

HB Marathon: Haumoana Road & Beach Road from Parkhill Road to East Road on the odd house number sides. The Road closures will be between 7.00am to 4.00pm Saturday, 18 May 2024.

3.2       The above temporary road closures will be managed in accordance with the New Zealand Transport Agency Code of Practice Temporary Traffic Management (CoPTTM).

3.3       Traffic Management Plans (TMP) are to be submitted to the Hastings District Council and the TMPs will be approved for implementation, subject to the temporary road closure applications being approved.

3.4       A temporary road closure checklist, set out under the consultation section of the report, details the necessary items that the organiser/s need to submit as part of their application/s for the above proposed temporary road closures.

3.5       GIS maps showing the extent of the proposed temporary road closures are attached (Attachments 1,2, 3 and 4).

3.6       At the time of writing this report there were no planned road works that will affect or impact the above proposed temporary road closures.

4.0    Discussion – Te Matapakitanga

Military Parade – This will be the First temporary closure of this section of Lyndon Road during the 2024 calendar year. (The average daily traffic count on this road is 1765 vehicles).

Motor Sport Event – This will be the First temporary closure of this section of Gimblett Road during the 2024 calendar year. (The average daily traffic count on this road is 35 vehicles).

School Opening – This will be the First temporary closure of this section of Bennett Road during the 2024 calendar year. (The average daily traffic count on this road is 512 vehicles).

HB Marathon- This will be the first temporary closure of this section of Haumoana & Beach Road during the 2024 calendar year. (The average daily traffic count on this road is 2079 vehicles).

The above roads have been chosen specifically for their suitability for holding the respective events or services.

5.0    Options – Ngā Kōwhiringa

Option One - Recommended Option - Te Kōwhiringa Tuatahi – Te Kōwhiringa Tūtohunga

5.1       Option A is the preferred option. It recommends the Subcommittee approve the temporary road closures detailed above, subject to conditions that will ensure public safety is maintained.

Temporary road closure options listed below:

·        Option A: Approve some or all of the temporary road closures detailed above.

·        Advantages: These events can proceed and contribute to the safe use of roads within the district for these proposed events.

·        Disadvantages: Traffic will be impeded for a short period of time on specific roads.

·        Option B: Do not approve any of the temporary road closures detailed above.

·        Advantages: Traffic will not be impeded.

·        Disadvantages: The proposed events may need to be cancelled.

6.0    Next steps – Te Anga Whakamua

6.1       See above for options related to these proposed temporary road closures.





Gimblett Road - extent of proposed temporary road closure




Haumoana - Beach Rd Closure - extent of proposed temporary road closures




Lyndon Road Closure - extent of proposed temporary road closure




Bennett Road Closure - extent of proposed temporary road closure







Summary of Considerations - He Whakarāpopoto Whakaarohanga

Fit with purpose of Local Government - E noho hāngai pū ai ki te Rangatōpū-ā-Rohe

The Council is required to give effect to the purpose of local government as set out in section 10 of the Local Government Act 2002. That purpose is to enable democratic local decision-making and action by (and on behalf of) communities, and to promote the social, economic, environmental, and cultural wellbeing of communities in the present and for the future.

Link to the Council’s Community Outcomes – Ngā Hononga ki Ngā Putanga ā-Hapori

This proposal promotes the cultural and social wellbeing of communities in the present and for the future.

Māori Impact Statement - Te Tauākī Kaupapa Māori

There are no known impacts for Tangata Whenua.

Sustainability - Te Toitūtanga

There are no known impacts for sustainability.

Financial considerations - Ngā Whakaarohanga Ahumoni

The advertising cost for these events are being met by the organiser/s of the events: Military Parade; Motor Sport Event; School Opening and Hawke’s Bay Marathon.

Significance and Engagement - Te Hiranga me te Tūhonotanga

This decision/report has been assessed under the Council's Significance and Engagement Policy as being of low significance.

Consultation – internal and/or external - Whakawhiti Whakaaro-ā-roto / ā-waho

The organisers of the above events have been in contact with affected parties/residents. They advise that no issues have been raised to date regarding the above proposed temporary road closures.

Documents received in regard to each of the applications are set out at the end of this section.


1.    Military Parade

2.    Motor Sport Event

3.    School Opening

4.    HB Marathon


The above proposed temporary road closure/s have been posted on the Council website and formal public notification was published in the Hawke’s Bay Today newspaper in April 2024.  


The closing date for submissions was 4:00pm,on various dates in April 2024. No submissions were received.


If the road closure/s are approved, final formal public notification will be published for the Military Parade, Motor Sport Event, School Opening and HB Marathon in the Hawke’s Bay Today newspaper.



Items received:                               Military Parade       Motor Sport     School Opening       HB Marathon


Temporary Road Closure application     Yes                           Yes                    Yes                           Yes


Traffic Management Plan                         Yes                           Yes                    Yes                           Yes     


Road Bond                                                    NA                          TBA                   TBA                           NA


Resident Visiting Form                              Yes                           TBA                   TBA                          TBA


Event Safety plan                                         NA                          TBA                   TBA                          Yes




Opportunity: To seek temporary road closures for the purpose of holding a cultural event and a sports event.



RISK – Te Tūraru

Following an assessment of the risks involved in holding an event of this type organisers have applied for a temporary road closure to ensure the safety of the public.

Safety (public)

Rural Community Board – Te Poari Tuawhenua-ā-Hapori

There are no implications for the Rural Community Board. They have been advised of the proposed temporary road closures.


Item 4       Temporary Road Closures - Military Parade - 7 June 2024; Motorsport Event, Gimblett Road - 9 June 2023; School Opening - 1 June 2024; HB Marathon - 18 May 2024

Gimblett Road - extent of proposed temporary road closure

Attachment 1


PDF Creator

Item 4       Temporary Road Closures - Military Parade - 7 June 2024; Motorsport Event, Gimblett Road - 9 June 2023; School Opening - 1 June 2024; HB Marathon - 18 May 2024

Haumoana - Beach Rd Closure - extent of proposed temporary road closures

Attachment 2


PDF Creator

Item 4       Temporary Road Closures - Military Parade - 7 June 2024; Motorsport Event, Gimblett Road - 9 June 2023; School Opening - 1 June 2024; HB Marathon - 18 May 2024

Lyndon Road Closure - extent of proposed temporary road closure

Attachment 3


PDF Creator

Item 4       Temporary Road Closures - Military Parade - 7 June 2024; Motorsport Event, Gimblett Road - 9 June 2023; School Opening - 1 June 2024; HB Marathon - 18 May 2024

Bennett Road Closure - extent of proposed temporary road closure

Attachment 4


PDF Creator

Tuesday, 7 May 2024

Te Hui o Te Kaunihera ā-Rohe o Heretaunga

Hastings District Council: Civic Development Subcommittee Meeting

Te Rārangi Take
Report to Civic Development Subcommittee



Kirstin Thompson, Manager Community Development

Kevin Carter, Community Grants and Partnerships Advisor

Te Take:


Funding - Connect Community Trust


1.0    Executive Summary – Te Kaupapa Me Te Whakarāpopototanga

1.1       Hastings District Council has a 5-year contractual funding agreement in place with the Connect Community Trust. This agreement commenced in 2021, and supports the operating costs of Kuhu Mai (formally the Integrated Community Hub) in support our Homeless population.

1.2       The contract is due to end in June 2026 and is valued at $55,388.13 per year with $50,000 allocated to  operating expenses and the remaining $5,388.13 being allocated to a fleet vehicle they use.

1.3       Kuhu Mai opened its doors in August 2022. It provides a safe space, offering meals twice a day Monday to Thursday, Friday breakfast only, with lunches Saturday and Sunday.   Day-time facilities and activities include social service provision, with external support agency’s onsite and personal hygiene services available.  Individualised  health services are provided within the Kuhu Mai model, to provide wrap-around support for the most vulnerable in Hastings, many of whom suffer through chronic homelessness, addiction, violence, disability, and mental health challenges.

1.4       This contract was unbudgeted, and officers are suggesting it be integrated into the Multi-year community grants scheme to be monitored in line with other funded projects.

1.5       A project for enhancement of the outdoor area, adjacent to Kuhu Mai (currently the back half of a leased carpark, owned by the Presbyterian Church) is in the design phase, with all interested and affected parties agreeing to the concept design.  Pending the securement of the funding for the greater enhancement project, officers are requesting the $15,000 per annum lease cost, be integrated into the Multi-year community grants scheme to be monitored in line with other funded projects.


2.0    Recommendations - Ngā Tūtohunga

A)        That the Civic Development Subcommittee receive the report titled Funding - Connect Community Trust dated 7 May 2024.

B)        That the Subcommittee agree to add the Connect Community Trust contract to the multi-year community grants scheme to the value of $55,388.13 per year, noting that this contract is due to end in June 2026.

C)        That, pending the securement of the funding for the greater enhancement project, the Subcommittee agree to fund the Connect Community Trust an additional $15,000 per year for lease of the carpark for an enhanced outdoor area and that this be integrated into the Multi-year community grants scheme to be monitored in line with other funded projects.



3.0    Background – Te Horopaki

3.1       Hastings District Council entered into a 5-year contractual funding agreement with the Connect Community Trust in 2021.

3.2       The basis of the contract is to operate Kuhu Mai (formally the Integrated Community Hub) to support our Homeless population.

3.3       The Kuhu Mai is currently based at St Andrew’s Hall, 300 Market Street Hastings and operates 7 days a week for meals, social services, personal hygiene and health provision.

3.4       The contract is due to end in June 2026 and is valued at $55,388.13 per year with 50k going to the trust and the remaining $5,388.13 being allocated to a fleet vehicle they use.

3.5       Following the completion of the homelessness discovery study by Hastings District Council in 2021, a historical heads of agreement was signed by Hastings Church, HDC, and Anglican Care Waiapu to develop an Integrated Community Hub.  The Hub would enhance the work Connect Community Trust was already doing and providing the necessary resources to ensure an effective and sustainable solution to homelessness is established in Hastings.

3.6       Kuhu Mai opened its doors in August 2022. It provides a safe space, offering meals twice a day Monday to Thursday, Friday breakfast only, with lunches Saturday and Sunday.  Day-time facilities and activities include social service provision, with external support agency’s onsite and personal hygiene services available.  Individualised health services are provided within the Kuhu Mai model, to provide wrap-around support for the most vulnerable in Hastings, many of whom suffer through chronic homelessness, addiction, violence, disability, and mental health challenges.  The hub provides a place for service users to connect with service providers such as Te Whatu Ora Hawke’s Bay, Ministry of Social Development and other local agencies.  This enables users to build trusting relationships and encourages personal agency through participation in person-centric positive outcomes.

4.0    Discussion – Te Matapakitanga

4.1       The original funding agreement was discussed and agreed to, outside of the normal Community Funding process (outside of the Contestable Grants, Sponsorship and Funding Framework and Policy) and was funded as a non-budgeted expense.  Funding has been used from the Community Development Operational Budget.

4.2       A project for enhancement of the outdoor area, adjacent to Kuhu Mai (currently the back half of a leased carpark, owned by the Presbyterian Church) is in the design phase, with all interested and affected parties agreeing to the concept design.  Pending the securement of the funding for the greater enhancement project, officers are requesting the $15,000 per annum lease cost, be integrated into the Multi-year community grants scheme to be monitored in line with other funded projects.  This outdoor area will provide Kuhu Mai users a safe and secure, outdoor space which will allow for social service expansion into activities for personal health and skills development and overall beautification and streetscape enhancement of the Market Street location.

4.3       Officers are suggesting this contract and the additional $15,000 pa for lease of the carpark, be integrated into the Multi-year community grants scheme to be monitored alongside other multiyear funded projects.

4.4       If the Subcommittee agree to fund this contract from the Community grants budget this will reduce the 2024 Single year community grants allocation pot from $196,539 to $126,150 – this will be increased by $30,000 per year, for the remaining 3 years of the contract, transferred from the Community Development Operational Budget as noted in Paragraph 4.6 below – taking this total from $126,150 to $1,56,150.

4.5       The 2023 Single Year Community grants budget was $320,321. And the 2022 Single Year Community grants budget was $245,000.

4.6       Although officers recommend that this cost is incorporated into the Multi Year Community Grants Fund, it is recognised that this will have a significant impact on the availability of funds for other community grants.  To ease this decrease in available funds, $30,000 per year, for the remaining 3 years of the contract, could be transferred from the Community Development Operational Budget to the Community Grants Budget.

5.0    Options – Ngā Kōwhiringa

Option One – Recommended Option – Te Kōwhiringa Tuatahi – Te Kōwhiringa Tūtohunga

5.1       That the Subcommittee agree to add the Connect Community Trust contract to the multi-year community grants scheme and that $30,000 from the Community Development Operational Budget, contribute towards this for the remaining 3 years of the contract.

Option Two – Status Quo – Te Kōwhiringa Tuarua – Te Āhuatanga o nāianei

5.2       The Subcommittee directs Officers to fund the Connect Community Trust from operational budgets and as such this contract will not be monitored through the Civic Development Sub- Committee.

6.0    Next steps – Te Anga Whakamua

6.1       If the Subcommittee agrees to fund the Connect Community Trust contract as per Option One, Officers will make the necessary changes and arrange the transfer of funds and payments.




There are no attachments for this report.




Summary of Considerations - He Whakarāpopoto Whakaarohanga

Fit with purpose of Local Government - E noho hāngai pū ai ki te Rangatōpū-ā-Rohe

The Council is required to give effect to the purpose of local government as set out in section 10 of the Local Government Act 2002. That purpose is to enable democratic local decision-making and action by (and on behalf of) communities, and to promote the social, economic, environmental, and cultural wellbeing of communities in the present and for the future.

Link to the Council’s Community Outcomes – Ngā Hononga ki Ngā Putanga ā-Hapori

This proposal promotes the Social Wellbeing of communities in the present and for the future.

Māori Impact Statement - Te Tauākī Kaupapa Māori

A large percentage of the users of Kuhu Mai are Māori

Sustainability - Te Toitūtanga

Council has entered into a 5-year funding agreement with the Connect Community Trust to support their work to be as financially sustainable as possible

Financial considerations - Ngā Whakaarohanga Ahumoni

Council has entered into a 5-year funding agreement with the Connect Community Trust values at $50,000 per year. This is currently unbudgeted and not in the LTP.

Significance and Engagement - Te Hiranga me te Tūhonotanga

This report has been assessed under the Council's Significance and Engagement Policy as being of low significance.

Consultation – internal and/or external - Whakawhiti Whakaaro-ā-roto / ā-waho



Opportunity: To continue to support the work the Connect Community Trust is doing.


Rural Community Board – Te Poari Tuawhenua-ā-Hapori



Tuesday, 7 May 2024

Te Hui o Te Kaunihera ā-Rohe o Heretaunga

Hastings District Council: Civic Development Subcommittee Meeting

Te Rārangi Take
Report to Civic Development Subcommittee



Emma Morgan, Community Strategies Manager

Kevin Carter, Community Grants and Partnerships Advisor

Te Take:


Funding - Sport Hawke’s Bay


1.0    Executive Summary – Te Kaupapa Me Te Whakarāpopototanga

1.1       The purpose of this report is to obtain a decision from the Subcommittee on Sport Hawke’s Bay’s 2024 – 2027 Multi-year Strategic Community Partnership Fund application.

1.2       Sport Hawke’s Bay is currently funded $85,000 per annum, 2021 – 2024, through the Multi-year Strategic Community Partnership fund. This contract is the continuation of a historic relationship between Hastings District Council (HDC) and Sport Hawke’s Bay.

1.3       Sport Hawke’s Bay delivers activities and services that contribute to a healthy, vibrant community by supporting people to be more physically active.


2.0    Recommendations - Ngā Tūtohunga

A)        That the Civic Development Subcommittee receive the report titled Funding - Sport Hawke’s Bay dated 7 May 2024.

B)        That the Subcommittee approves Multi-year Strategic Community Partnership funding of up to $70,000 per annum for 2024 – 2027, with specific deliverables to be agreed to between Sport Hawke’s Bay and Hastings District Council Officers.



3.0    Background – Te Horopaki

3.1       Sport Hawke’s Bay’s 2021 – 2024 Multi-year Strategic Community Partnership funding contract contributes to the following high-level outcomes:

·        Improve the health and wellbeing of our local communities.

·        Increase sport and active recreation in the community.

·        Increase the number of and capability of sport and active recreation leaders in the community.

·        Work with Council to support facility, community and sport planning.

3.2       Key deliverables include participating in the creation and implementation of community plans, delivery of group exercise programmes and give-it-a-go activities for the community and supporting young people at the Flaxmere and Camberley Community Centres with healthy living, cooking and nutrition programmes.

3.3       Programmes delivered within Flaxmere and Camberley Community Centres have generally been well-delivered, but attendance figures fluctuated. While this is to be expected with community programmes, feedback from the Community Centre staff is that the current mix of programmes is not quite meeting community need.

3.4       The weekly play sessions in local parks failed to meet the community need. Although the programme was well-intentioned, attendance figures were low, then understandably plummeted through Covid and never recovered afterwards.

3.5       Although supportive with community planning work, momentum in this area has slowed over the last couple of years due to competing HDC priorities.

4.0    Discussion – Te Matapakitanga

4.1       Sport Hawke’s Bay has submitted a proposal for $85,000 to the 2024-2027 Multi-year Strategic Community Partnership Fund. In the current fiscal environment, Council is looking closely at where savings can be made to smooth rates increases. Officers have therefore requested and received further detail on the delivery and cost of programmes to ensure most effective spend of grant funding.

4.2       HDC has previously funded youth activities through the Youth Potential Fund. However, Councillors made the decision to close that fund as part of the 2025-35 LTP funding discussions.  The two organisations that were still being funded from the Youth Potential fund were successful in gaining multi-year funding through HDC community grants for July 2024 onwards.  There is an opportunity to align Sport Hawke’s Bay’s programmes with the outcomes previously sought through Youth Potential.

4.3       There is also an opportunity to focus Sport Hawke’s Bay programmes around increasing the vibrancy of our community centres. This aligns with Sport Hawke’s Bay two key focus areas:

·    Young People – Tamariki and rangatahi

·    Less Active Communities - geographic or social communities where there are barriers to engaging in physical activity.

·    Officers consider that Sport Hawke’s Bay could effectively deliver programmes and contribute to joint outcomes for a reduced funding amount per annum.

4.4       Working with Sport Hawke’s Bay on new contract deliverable will ensure the right programmes are being delivered in the right places. This will allow expansion of some programmes, such as those focussed on health/wellbeing and cessation of others. Officers consider that Sport Hawke’s Bay could effectively deliver programmes and contribute to joint outcomes for a reduced funding amount per annum.

4.5       Officers consider that any ‘saving’ in relation to this contract could be directed towards another organisation applying for a Community Grant that prioritises youth and helps to activate HDC Community Centres

5.0    Options – Ngā Kōwhiringa

Option One – Recommended Option – Te Kōwhiringa Tuatahi – Te Kōwhiringa Tūtohunga

5.1       Fund Sport Hawke’s Bay up to $70,000 from the Multi-year Strategic Community Partnership grant, per annum for 2024 – 2027:


·        Cost savings are slightly more than the overall reduction to the Community Grants fund at 17.6%.

·        Deliverables are realigned to Council’s outcomes and focussed to ensure more effective use of funding.

·        Payment scheduling should be adjusted to delivery of programmes.


·        A decrease in funding may reflect a reduction in programme delivery and reach across Heretaunga Hastings.

Option Two – Status Quo – Te Kōwhiringa Tuarua – Te Āhuatanga o nāianei

5.2       Fund Sport Hawke’s Bay a $85,000 Multi-year Strategic Community Partnership grant, per annum for 2024 – 2027.  It could be considered that funding Sport Hawke’s Bay the status quo amount is effectively a funding reduction as costs have increased since 2021, but the funding has stayed the same:


·        Council can secure more programmes and services for Heretaunga Hastings.  Particularly Sport Hawkes Bay’s reach into local kura and schools to deliver physical activity, development and leadership opportunities will be increased beyond that that is resourced by Sport NZ.


·        There will have been no adjustment in funding which should be a priority given Council’s current fiscal position.

·        There could be less effort made to refine programming and make efficiencies.

Option Three – No Funding – Te Kōwhiringa Tuatoru

5.3       Do not fund Sport Hawke’s Bay a 2024-2027 Multi-year Strategic Community Partnership grant:


·        This will be a saving of $85,000.

·        Activities funded by Sport NZ will still occur but may be more limited in their reach.  This includes:

-       supporting local kura and schools to deliver physical activity, development and leadership opportunities.

-       supporting Hastings based regional sports organisations and larger clubs to develop capability.

·        Sport Hawke’s Bay will continue to work with HDC to support spaces and places planning and development and activation of spaces.


·        Sport Hawke’s Bay’s programme delivery for HDC will reduce and will not meet Council’s needs.

·        Sport Hawke’s Bay’s impact on community outcomes in Heretaunga Hastings will be significantly reduced e.g. participants in ‘Active 4 Life’ classes will be charged $5 (this occurs in Napier and attendance numbers are significantly reduced).

·        HDC facilities will lose an income stream of $15k/pa of hireage fees for Sport Hawke’s Bay programmes.

6.0    Next steps – Te Anga Whakamua

6.1       Officers will work with Sport Hawke’s Bay to develop a funding contract which aligns to the amount of funding they will receive (if Option 1 or 2 is agreed by the Committee).



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Summary of Considerations - He Whakarāpopoto Whakaarohanga

Fit with purpose of Local Government - E noho hāngai pū ai ki te Rangatōpū-ā-Rohe

The Council is required to give effect to the purpose of local government as set out in section 10 of the Local Government Act 2002. That purpose is to enable democratic local decision-making and action by (and on behalf of) communities, and to promote the social, economic, environmental, and cultural wellbeing of communities in the present and for the future.

Link to the Council’s Community Outcomes – Ngā Hononga ki Ngā Putanga ā-Hapori

This proposal promotes the social, mental and physical wellbeing of communities in the present and for the future and fosters recreational participation.

Māori Impact Statement - Te Tauākī Kaupapa Māori

Not applicable.

Sustainability - Te Toitūtanga

Not applicable.

Financial considerations - Ngā Whakaarohanga Ahumoni

All recommendations are within budget. The adopted recommendation will affect the remaining balance for the Single-year Community Grant allocations.

Significance and Engagement - Te Hiranga me te Tūhonotanga

This decision/report has been assessed under the Council's Significance and Engagement Policy as being not of significance.

Consultation – internal and/or external - Whakawhiti Whakaaro-ā-roto / ā-waho

The funding opportunities were publicly advertised.



Opportunity: Community Groups receive funding:



RISK – Te Tūraru

Community groups are enabled to deliver their services which contribute to community wellbeing.


Services delivered in community centres by an external organisation could be a reputational risk, as quality is more difficult to control.

Rural Community Board – Te Poari Tuawhenua-ā-Hapori

Not applicable.