Wednesday, 31 July 2024

Te Hui o Te Kaunihera ā-Rohe o Heretaunga

Hastings District Council: District Planning and Bylaws Subcommittee Meeting

Ngā Miniti



Te Rā Hui:
Meeting date:

Wednesday, 31 July 2024


Council Chamber

Ground Floor

Civic Administration Building

Lyndon Road East


Time start - end

1.00pm – 2.00pm



Wednesday, 31 July 2024

Te Hui o Te Kaunihera ā-Rohe o Heretaunga

Hastings District Council: District Planning and Bylaws Subcommittee Meeting

Ngā Miniti


Te Rārangi Upoko
Table of Contents

Item                                                                                                      Page No.


1.            Apologies – Ngā Whakapāhatanga   1

2.            Conflicts of Interest - He Ngākau Kōnatunatu  1

3.            Confirmation of Minutes - Te Whakamana i Ngā Miniti 1

4.            Summary of Proposed Government Changes from Going for Growth Policy  2

5.            Commercial Strategy Review    2

6.            Minor Items - Ngā Take Iti 3

7.            Urgent Items - Ngā Take Whakahihiri 3





Wednesday, 31 July 2024

Te Hui o Te Kaunihera ā-Rohe o Heretaunga

Hastings District Council: District Planning and Bylaws Subcommittee Meeting

Ngā Miniti

Kua Tae ā-tinana:

Chair: Councillor Alwyn Corban


Councillors: Marcus Buddo (Deputy Chair), Simon Nixon, and Kevin Watkins

Rural Community Board appointee - Jonathan Stockley (RCB Chair)

Mayor Sandra Hazlehurst


Heretaunga Takoto Noa Māori Standing Committee appointee: Elizabeth Waiwiri-Hunt

Kua Tatū:
In attendance:

Acting Group Manager: Planning & Regulatory Services – Caleb Sutton

Environmental Policy Manager - Rowan Wallis

Environmental Planner (Policy) - Craig Scott

Democracy & Governance Advisor - Christine Hilton


1.         Apologies – Ngā Whakapāhatanga


Councillor Corban/Councillor Buddo

That Apologies for Absence from Councillor Michael Fowler and Heretaunga Takoto Noa Māori Standing Committee appointee: Tipene Cottrell be accepted.



2.         Conflicts of Interest - He Ngākau Kōnatunatu

There were no declarations of conflicts of interest.


3.         Confirmation of Minutes - Te Whakamana i Ngā Miniti


Councillor Watkins/Councillor Buddo

That the minutes of the District Planning and Bylaws Subcommittee Meeting held Wednesday 29 May 2024 be confirmed as an accurate record.





Summary of Proposed Government Changes from Going for Growth Policy


(Document 24/324)

The Environmental Policy Manager, Rowan Wallis, spoke to the agenda report, highlighting the main points and providing an overview for the meeting.  He advised that the point outlined in the report – regarding the requirement for councils to provide a 30 year zoned housing supply, was a significant matter with major implications. 

When the details of the proposed government changes were released in 2025, the Council would look to forward a very strongly worded submission emphasising the fact that our local economy was based on use of our highly productive land. 

Mr Wallis noted that the Council’s District Plan was premised on the fact that they were trying to contain urban growth/strategy.  He suggested that in the upcoming rolling review of the District Plan, they may need to bring the review of the Plains Production section further up the priority list due to its importance and also to readdress the plan’s objectives and policies structure – in order to manage the possible effect of the government proposal. 

The meeting and officers also noted that the recent Cyclone Gabrielle damage to extensive areas of Plains Production land in some parts of the District had made them unsafe to be used for future housing and some areas continued to be affected by natural hazards.  This should form another justification for not permitting housing to encroach onto the Plains.

Mr Wallis responded to questions from the Subcommittee.


Councillor Buddo/Councillor Nixon

That the District Planning and Bylaws Subcommittee receive the report titled Summary of Proposed Government Changes from Going for Growth Policy dated 31 July 2024.





Commercial Strategy Review


(Document 24/332)

The Environmental Planner (Policy), Craig Scott, spoke to the agenda report highlighting the main points and providing an overview for the meeting.  He advised that there were now different pressures on our commercial areas since the previous strategy. Officers were trying to determine the scope of a commercial strategy.  This would be a piece of work acting as an overarching umbrella to address – e.g. the hierarchy of commercial areas and possible need to redevelop some areas to ensure more efficient use for future needs. 

Mr Scott stated that it was better for the Council to take the lead in regard to the type of commercial environment it wanted to create.  He also highlighted the need to address the potential for growth in the commercial areas in Havelock North and Flaxmere and also how Stortford Lodge may look, with the latter being addressed via its own local area plan.  He responded to questions from the Subcommittee.


Mayor Hazlehurst/Elizabeth Waiwiri-Hunt

A)        That the District Planning and Bylaws Subcommittee receive the report titled Commercial Strategy Review dated 31 July 2024.

B)        That the Subcommittee provide guidance on the scope of the future Commercial Strategy Review.

C)        That the Committee endorse:

a.      The drafting of a scoping report for the development of a new Commercial Strategy to inform the future of commercial land and activity.



6.         Minor Items - Ngā Take Iti

                There were no additional business items.


7.         Urgent Items - Ngā Take Whakahihiri

                There were no extraordinary business items.




The meeting closed at 2.00pm







