Tuesday, 5 March 2024

He hui e whakahaeretia nei e Te Kaunihera ā-Rohe o Heretaunga

Administered by Hastings District Council

HB Crematorium Committee Meeting




Te Rā Hui:
Meeting date:

Tuesday, 5 March 2024

Te Wā:


Te Wāhi:

Landmarks Room

Ground Floor

Civic Administration Building

Lyndon Road East


Te Hoapā:

Democracy and Governance Services

P: 06 871 5000  |  E: democracy@hdc.govt.nz

Te Āpiha Matua:
Responsible Officer:

Group Manager: Asset Management - Craig Thew


Hawke’s Bay Crematorium Committee – Terms of Reference


The Hawke’s Bay Crematorium Committee was established by Order in Council on 9 June 1989 as part of The Local Government (Hawke’s Bay Region) Reorganisation Order 1989.


1.       The Hastings District Council shall establish and maintain a committee to be called the Hawke’s Bay Crematorium Committee.


2.       The membership of the Committee shall consist of:

(a)    Two members to be appointed by the Napier City Council (NCC); and

(b)    Two members to be appointed by the Hastings District Council (HDC); and

(c)     One member to be appointed by the Central Hawke’s Bay District Council (CHBDC).


3.       The Hastings District Council shall delegate to the Hawke’s Bay Crematorium Committee such functions, duties and powers in respect of the supervision and operation of the Hawke’s Bay Crematorium as the Council considers appropriate.



Membership (5 Councillors)

·         Chair appointed by the Committee

·         Appointed in accordance with the Reorganisation Order:

·           2 HDC Councillors.

·           2 NCC Councillors.

·           1 CHBDC Councillor.


Quorum – 3 members

Delegated Powers

Authority to develop policies and provide operational and financial oversight of the Hawke’s Bay Crematorium.




Tuesday, 5 March 2024

Te Hui o Te Kaunihera ā-Rohe o Heretaunga

Hastings District Council

HB Crematorium Committee Meeting




Chair: To be elected by the Committee

Deputy Chair: To be elected by the Committee

Ngā KaiKaunihera


Councillor Malcom Dixon (HDC)

Councillor Simon Nixon (HDC)

Councillor Nigel Simpson (NCC)

Councillor Juliet Greig (NCC)

Councillor Gerard Minehan (CHBDC)



3 members

Apiha Matua
Officer Responsible:

Group Manager: Asset Management – Craig Thew

Te Rōpū Manapori me te Kāwanatanga
Democracy & Governance Services:

Christine Hilton (Ext 5633)




Te Rārangi Take
Order of Business


Apologies – Ngā Whakapāhatanga

At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.

At the close of the agenda no requests for leave of absence had been received.



Conflict of Interest – He Ngākau Kōnatunatu

Members need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arises between their role as a Member of the Council and any private or other external interest they might have.  This note is provided as a reminder to Members to scan the agenda and assess their own private interests and identify where they may have a pecuniary or other conflict of interest, or where there may be perceptions of conflict of interest. 

If a Member feels they do have a conflict of interest, they should publicly declare that at the start of the relevant item of business and withdraw from participating in the meeting.  If a Member thinks they may have a conflict of interest, they can seek advice from the General Counsel or the Manager: Democracy and Governance (preferably before the meeting). 

It is noted that while Members can seek advice and discuss these matters, the final decision as to whether a conflict exists rests with the member.



Confirmation of Minutes – Te Whakamana i Ngā Miniti

This is the first meeting of the Committee in this triennium, so there are no previous minutes to be confirmed.



Election of Chair and Deputy Chair 



Report to HB Crematorium Committee 



Minor Items – Ngā Take Iti



Urgent Items – Ngā Take Whakahihiri



Tuesday, 5 March 2024

Te Hui o Te Kaunihera ā-Rohe o Heretaunga

Hastings District Council: HB Crematorium Committee Meeting

Te Rārangi Take
Report to HB Crematorium Committee



Christine Hilton, Democracy and Governance Advisor

Te Take:


Election of Chair and Deputy Chair



1.0    Purpose and summary - Te Kaupapa Me Te Whakarāpopototanga

1.1       The purpose of this report is to draw members’ attention to the need to elect a Chair and Deputy Chair for the HB Crematorium Committee for the 2022-2025 triennium.

1.2       The Group Manager: Asset Management or the Cemetery Manager will assume the Chair at the start of the meeting and call for nominations for the position of Chair of the HB Crematorium Committee.

1.3       The newly appointed Chair will then assume Chairmanship of the meeting and call for nominations for the position of Deputy Chair. 


2.0    Recommendations - Ngā Tūtohunga

A)        That the HB Crematorium Committee Meeting receive the report titled Election of Chair and Deputy Chair dated 5 March 2024.

B)        That _____________________________ be appointed as Chair of the HB Crematorium Committee for the 2022-2025 triennium.

C)        That _____________________________ be appointed as Deputy Chair of the HB Crematorium Committee for the 2022-2025 triennium.




There are no attachments for this report.



Tuesday, 5 March 2024

Te Hui o Te Kaunihera ā-Rohe o Heretaunga

Hastings District Council: HB Crematorium Committee Meeting

Te Rārangi Take
Report to HB Crematorium Committee



Sonia Sussmilch, Assistant Manager - Crematorium

Te Take:


Report to HB Crematorium Committee


1.0    Executive Summary – Te Kaupapa Me Te Whakarāpopototanga

//hdcfp1/data/Infocouncil/Templates/report_guidance.pdfThe purpose of this report is to update the HB Crematorium Committee regarding operations at the HB Crematorium and Chapel for the previous financial year from 1st July 2022 to 31st June 2023, as well as the last six months of the new financial year from 1st July 2023 to 31st December 2023.

1.1       The 2022 – 2023 year in summary:

·        Crematorium and Chapel usage is steadily increasing year on year due to the following factors:

An aging and growing population in Hawke’s Bay, as well as people choosing cremation over burial due to the cost of burials.


2.0    Recommendations - Ngā Tūtohunga

That the HB Crematorium Committee receive the report titled Report to HB Crematorium Committee dated 5 March 2024.






3.0    Background – Te Horopaki

3.1       The table below shows the number of cremations and a breakdown of service types for the 2022 – 2023 financial year and the past six months of the current financial year.

3.2       These numbers show an increase as mentioned in the Executive Summary and if numbers for the rest of the year reflects the numbers for the last six months, cremations will end up around the 950 mark.  The current consent only allows for 1000 cremations per year.


3.3       Cremator Maintenance:

·        The Cremator floor (Hearth) was replaced by Pyrotek during the first week of May 2023 at a cost of $54,000 NZD.

·        The Preventative Maintenance Inspection of the Cremator was done by Neil Lunniss, contracted by Matthews International on the 1st of November 2023. This is done as one of the consent conditions.

·        The roof of the Cremator is deteriorating fast and will need replacing this year. Pyrotek undertook an inspection on the 19th of February 2024 and are confident that it can continue to be used until July this year.  Pyrotek will inspect it again around May this year and a date for the replacement of the roof will then be arranged.

3.4       Cremator Consent – AUTH – 121897-01: Air Discharge Permit

·        Air Discharge Testing done during March 2023, was submitted to the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council (“HBRC”) in April 2023. Testing again showed that certain levels are very close to the compliance limits.

·        Cremation data for the financial year 2022 – 2023, was submitted to the HBRC in July 2023 as per consent conditions. Prior to that, the yearly visit from the HBRC took place to go through procedures.

·        The PMI results were submitted to the HBRC in December 2023, once it was received from Neil Lunniss.

·        Currently the Council is awaiting the HBRC’s approval for the 2022 – 2023 year.

·        Air Discharge Testing completed by Matthew Newby from Source Testing New Zealand on 30th and 31st January 2024, results will be available soon for submission to the HBRC.

3.5       Occupational Health Monitoring and Risks

·        All staff are evaluated yearly by Hastings District Council’s contracted Occupational Health Nurse, no concerns were raised in regard to the last round of testing.

·        A contractor was engaged to look at upgrading the extractor fan in the Cremulator room, which will do away with the wearing of facemasks by staff dealing with the preparation of ashes. An inspection was undertaken and feedback is due to come from the contractor.

3.6       Financials: Summary for 2022/23 Financial Year

·    Last year’s revenue was close to budget whereas this year’s revenue is $45,619 ahead of budget ($393,123 v $347,504), with fees and charges for use of the crematorium being the driver.  This is due to a spike in cremation numbers during the last 3 months of 2023.

·    Last year’s expenditure was close to budget and this year’s expenditure is slightly favourable ($231,234 spend vs $247,257 budget), with low use of contracted services being the main driver. Gas spend has significantly overspent budget due to gas price.

·    A scissor lift purchased this year has incurred an unbudgeted rate funded spend, but this reflects a difference in the timing of replacements than the budget had planned.

·    Crematorium ran an Operating surplus of $82,704 for the 2022-23 year, close to the $85,261 operating surplus budgeted.

·    For the current year, 2024-25, the crematorium has run an Operating surplus of $108,339 being favourable against the $42,631 Operating surplus budgeted.

·    The Crematorium Reserve balance as at 31 December 2023 is $84,450.

·    The table attached shows the Revenue Expenditure Report, the amounts in bold above are represented in the table.

4.0    Discussion – Te Matapakitanga

4.1       Fees and Charges – Crematorium & Chapel

·    Fees and Charges – 2024 -2025 Financial Year:

The proposed fees and charges increase of 5%, as suggested by the finance team, keeps the crematorium revenue in line with expenditure for the next financial year.

4.2       Operating Hours - Crematorium and Chapel

·    Most neighbouring local authorities do not deliver services on Sundays and Public Holidays, and if they do the fees reflect it. Any booking is also dependent on the availability of staff.

Hawke’s Bay Crematorium allows bookings on any day except for Christmas Day and New Year’s Day.  Officers therefore request the input and guidance of the HB Crematorium Committee regarding current operating hours and an alignment with other Council’s in this regard.

4.3       Chapel used for a service only

·    Booking chapel without a burial or a cremation following the service, should there be a different charge?

4.4       Procedures regarding Cremation Delivery bookings

·    More funeral directors/families are not following procedures during deliveries and recently a complaint was received.  The crematorium wants to prevent this happening in future and hence need to discuss the procedure and any changes to be implemented.

4.5       Chapel services running over the booking slot

·    More services are running over the allotted booking time and this is unfair to other users.  Can consideration be given to implementing a penalty fee in this regard?

5.0    General Knowledge


·        Terry Longley & Son, Tong & Peryer and Howard and Gannon Funeral Services have sold to Propel which is an Australasian owned company.

·        Propel have a history of accruing their own cremator.

·        If Propel have their own cremator, council expects a decrease in cremations of around 410 per year, based on the last two financial years.

·        It is anticipated that this situation would take a few years to become operational.





Crematorium Financial Report - December 2023








Item 5       Report to HB Crematorium Committee

Crematorium Financial Report - December 2023

Attachment 1


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