Wednesday, 29 May 2024 |
Te Hui o Te Kaunihera ā-Rohe o Heretaunga
Hastings District Council
Civic Development Subcommittee Meeting
(Vibrancy Fund)
Te Rā Hui: |
Wednesday, 29 May 2024 |
Te Wā: |
9.00am |
Te Wāhi: |
Council Chamber Ground Floor Civic Administration Building Lyndon Road East Hastings |
Te Hoapā: |
Democracy and Governance Services P: 06 871 5000 | E: |
Te Āpiha Matua: |
Group Manager: Community Wellbeing & Services - Rebekah Dinwoodie |
A Subcommittee of the Performance and Monitoring Committee.
The Civic Development Subcommittee is responsible for making delegated decisions and advising the Performance and Monitoring Committee by;
· Assisting Council in the allocation of Community Grants by;
- Reviewing applications for Community Grants.
- Setting appropriate performance measures to assist in the measurement of delivery of activities funded from Grants.
- Allocation of grant funding within the budget allocation.
· Assisting Council in its general overview of procurement and tender activity by accepting tenders which exceed the Chief Executive’s delegated authority to approve, for projects previously approved by Council or a Standing Committee within the delegated authority.
· Assisting Council by reviewing and considering submissions and deciding applications for temporary closure of roads.
· Recommending to Council the appointment of trustees to Te Mata Park Trust Board.
· Recommending to Council the appointment of directors to Hastings District Holdings Limited.
· Recommending to Council the appointment of List Members to the District Licencing Committee.
· Assisting Council by reviewing, considering nominations and recommending recipients of Civic Awards.
· Assisting Council by remaining cognisant of activities in the Community that deliver improved wellbeing and safety outcomes and advising Council how it can appropriately enable these activities.
· Providing guidance and oversight to Council Officers in the delivery of Council safety and security investments & initiatives to improve community wellbeing and sense of feeling safe and welcome.
· Providing guidance and oversight to Council Officers in the delivery of major Council civic development capital projects (projects as assigned to the Subcommittee).
· Providing comprehensive six monthly (and as required) Council civic development capital project progress reports to the Performance and Monitoring Committee.
· Providing guidance and oversight to Council Officers in the delivery of major Council and Council enabled Events.
Providing guidance and oversight to Council Officers in the active promotion of Hastings as a Visitor Destination.
· 1 Heretaunga Takoto Noa Māori Standing Committee Member appointed by Council.
· Group Manager: Planning and Regulatory Services to be a member only when the Subcommittee is recommending the appointment of List Members to the Hastings District Licensing Committee.
· The Chief Executive to be a member only when the Subcommittee is making a decision on tendering and procurement matters.
· The Group Manager Asset Management to be a member only when the Subcommittee is making a decision on tendering and procurement matters.
· The Transportation Manager to be a member only when the Subcommittee is making a decision on applications for temporary closure of roads.
· The Environmental Consents Manager to be a member only when the Subcommittee is making a decision on applications for temporary closure of roads.
· The Chair of the Te Mata Park Trust Board to be a member only when the Subcommittee is making a decision on appointments to the Te Mata Park Trust Board.
· The Chief Financial Officer to be a member only when the Subcommittee is making a decision on appointments to the boards of any Council Controlled Organisations.
· 2 Youth Council Members appointed by Council (non-voting)
a) A minimum of 3 members - for Subcommittee meetings where the agenda items only address proposed temporary road closure applications (when there are no submitters).
b) A minimum of 5 members for all other meetings of the Subcommittee.
Wednesday, 29 May 2024 |
Te Hui o Te Kaunihera ā-Rohe o Heretaunga
Hastings District Council
Civic Development Subcommittee Meeting
Mematanga: |
Chair: Councillor Malcolm Dixon Ngā KaiKaunihera Councillors: Michael Fowler, Damon Harvey, Henry Heke, Kellie Jessup, Wendy Schollum and Kevin Watkins + 1 x Vacancy
Mayor Sandra Hazlehurst
Transportation Manager, Jag Pannu AND Environmental Consents Manager, Caleb Sutton – for Item 4
Heretaunga Takoto Noa Māori Standing Committee appointee: Elizabeth Waiwiri-Hunt
Two Youth Council appointees: Sophie Webber and Taylor Bevan
Tokamatua: |
3 members - for meetings where the agenda items only address proposed temporary road closure applications (if no submitters). 5 members - for all other meetings of the Subcommittee.
Apiha Matua |
Rebekah Dinwoodie – Group Manager: Community Wellbeing & Services |
Te Rōpū Manapori me te Kāwanatanga |
Christine Hilton (Extn 5633) |
Te Rārangi Take
Order of Business
1.0 |
Apologies – Ngā Whakapāhatanga An apology from Elizabeth Waiwiri-Hunt has been received. Leave of Absence had previously been granted to Councillor Schollum |
2.0 |
Conflict of Interest – He Ngākau Kōnatunatu Members need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arises between their role as a Member of the Council and any private or other external interest they might have. This note is provided as a reminder to Members to scan the agenda and assess their own private interests and identify where they may have a pecuniary or other conflict of interest, or where there may be perceptions of conflict of interest. If a Member feels they do have a conflict of interest, they should publicly declare that at the start of the relevant item of business and withdraw from participating in the meeting. If a Member thinks they may have a conflict of interest, they can seek advice from the General Counsel or the Manager: Democracy and Governance (preferably before the meeting). It is noted that while Members can seek advice and discuss these matters, the final decision as to whether a conflict exists rests with the member. |
3.0 |
Confirmation of Minutes – Te Whakamana i Ngā Miniti Minutes of the Civic Development Subcommittee Meetings held Tuesday, 2 April (Multi Grants) and Tuesday 7 May 2024. (Both sets of minutes have been previously circulated) |
4.0 |
Vibrancy Fund Applications Attachment 1 to this report is confidential in accordance with the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 Section 7 (2) (a) - The withholding of the information is necessary to protect the privacy of natural persons, including that of a deceased person. Attachment 2 to this report is confidential in accordance with the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 Section 7 (2) (a) - The withholding of the information is necessary to protect the privacy of natural persons, including that of a deceased person. |
9 |
5.0 |
Minor Items – Ngā Take Iti |
6.0 |
Urgent Items – Ngā Take Whakahihiri |
Wednesday, 29 May 2024 |
Te Hui o Te Kaunihera ā-Rohe o Heretaunga
Hastings District Council: Civic Development Subcommittee Meeting
Rārangi Take
Report to Civic Development Subcommittee
Nā: From: |
Jeff Clews, Public Spaces Asset Planner |
Te Take: Subject: |
Vibrancy Fund Applications |
1.0 Executive Summary – Te Kaupapa Me Te Whakarāpopototanga
1.1 The purpose of this report is to obtain decisions from the Civic Development Subcommittee regarding the allocation of grants from the Vibrancy Fund.
1.2 The Vibrancy Fund is open to groups of individuals to apply for events or activations in the City Centre, this may include festivals, music, interactive installations and art typically of a temporary nature.
1.3 The aim of the fund is to support activities which have a positive impact on the community in the City Centre and encourages people to spend time in the City Centre. A copy of the funding criteria is attached to this report, in a separate public excluded (confidential) attachment document (Attachment 1).
1.4 This report related to the allocation of funding for financial year 2024/25.
1.5 This report recommends that funds be allocated to the applications assessed by this Subcommittee as best achieving the purposes of the Vibrancy Fund.
3.0 Background – Te Horopaki
3.1 $50,000 is available each financial year for the delivery of vibrancy activations or events in the city centre by members of the community. This funding is split into two rounds of $25,000: Round 1 for delivery within the six months 1 July to 31 December; and Round 2 for delivery within the six months 1 January to 30 June.
3.2 The current applications being considered in this report are for Round 1 of the 2024/25 financial year, for projects to be delivered in the period from 1 July to 31 December 2024.
3.3 8 applications have been received that meet the Vibrancy Fund Criteria for this funding round totalling $91,450 (as set out in the table in Attachment 2). This attachment is in a separate public excluded (confidential) attachment document.
3.4 To be eligible for funding, groups or individuals need to show how their project fits with one or more of the priorities below (summarised from the application form):
1. Aligns with the Hastings District Council Toi-Tu framework.
2. Supports the local creative community.
3. Promotes happy, healthy, and active communities.
4.0 Discussion – Te Matapakitanga
4.1 This round of funding was advertised over social media channels and through other arts networks connections.
4.2 The 8 complying applications for this funding round are attached in a separate a public excluded (confidential) attachment document (Attachment 2).
4.3 A table showing the applications alignment to the Toi-Tū strategy is attached (Attachment 3).
4.4 Subcommittee members can view the full application and attachments via their Smarty Grants Login.
4.5 Officers will present a summary of the applications at the meeting.
5.0 Options – Ngā Kōwhiringa
Option One - Recommended Option - Te Kōwhiringa Tuatahi – Te Kōwhiringa Tūtohunga
5.1 That the Civic Development Subcommittee consider the applications for the Vibrancy Fund against the criteria and allocate funds to those applicants who best achieve the purposes of the Vibrancy Fund, from the total funding available of $25,000.00.
Option Two – Status Quo - Te Kōwhiringa Tuarua – Te Āhuatanga o nāianei.
5.2 That the Civic Development Subcommittee review the applications for funding from the Vibrancy Fund, consider the applications against the criteria and not allocate the total requested from the funding available of $25,000.00.
6.0 Next steps – Te Anga Whakamua
6.1 All applicants will be contacted following the meeting and advised of the outcome of the Subcommittee’s decision in regard to their application.
6.2 Officers note that any funds from the previous round not uplifted in the specified time frame will be used at the discretion of the Public Spaces Planning Manager for opportunities that arise to create or enhance vibrancy in the city centre.
6.3 There are three attachments for this report.
City Centre Vibrancy Fund - Vibrancy fund criteria attachment - for Civic Amin Subcommittee Report Nov 23 Confidential in accordance with Section 7 (2) (a) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 |
PRJ17-140-0222 |
Vibrancy Fund - Smartygrants Report May 2024 Confidential in accordance with Section 7 (2) (a) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 |
PRJ17-140-0230 |
3⇩ |
Toi-Tū strategy table - May 2024 |
PRJ17-140-0229 |
Summary of Considerations - He Whakarāpopoto Whakaarohanga |
Fit with purpose of Local Government - E noho hāngai pū ai ki te Rangatōpū-ā-Rohe The Council is required to give effect to the purpose of local government as set out in section 10 of the Local Government Act 2002. That purpose is to enable democratic local decision-making and action by (and on behalf of) communities, and to promote the social, economic, environmental, and cultural wellbeing of communities in the present and for the future. Link to the Council’s Community Outcomes – Ngā Hononga ki Ngā Putanga ā-Hapori This proposal promotes the Social wellbeing of communities in the present and for the future, by promoting services to meet recreational, arts and cultural needs. |
Māori Impact Statement - Te Tauākī Kaupapa Māori There are likely to be positive impacts for Tangata Whenua, as for the wider community. |
Sustainability - Te Toitūtanga Applicants are encouraged to refer to and implement sustainable practice where applicable and practicable as detailed in the Toi-tu framework. |
Financial considerations - Ngā Whakaarohanga Ahumoni These applications are to be funded from this year’s Vibrancy Fund. The current balance is $25,000.00 and only funding up to that amount can be considered. |
Significance and Engagement - Te Hiranga me te Tūhonotanga This decision has been assessed under the Council's Significance and Engagement Policy as being of low significance. |
Consultation – internal and/or external - Whakawhiti Whakaaro-ā-roto / ā-waho There has been no external consultation except that the Grant round has been open and transparent inviting all community organisations to apply. |
Risks The recommendation being proposed is the best option to ensure an accountable and transparent governance process. Using the established and approved HDC Vibrancy Fund processes ensures security of applicants’ data, supports a fair review process and established monitoring and reporting process. |
Rural Community Board – Te Poari Tuawhenua-ā-Hapori There are no implications for the Rural Community Board. |